Ohm Force

Ohm Force is a privately owned company based in Paris, France. Since 2000, they have constructed a solid audio plug-in portfolio, comprising delay, filters, frequency shifter, phaser, distortions and synthesizers. During these years they have managed to establish a rock solid reputation as a maker of creative tools, earning some of the most important music production magazines' awards for each release

Software by Ohm Force

Special FX. You just NEED some Cohmpost in your music. Get it in AU for Mac, VST for Mac , RTAS for Mac or VST for Windows. For your information, no kittens were harmed...
Resonant low-pass filter. - Highly resonant low-pass filter - Cutoff frequency unit selection : Hz or musical note - Up to 15 additional bands, harmonically distributed - Delay on each...
Frequency Shifter. Features : - High quality stereo Frequency Shifter. - A Delay containing the main effect inside its loop, which changes the sound more and more across the...
Phaser. Multi-phaser using 4 oscillators...
Ohm Studio
Online digital audio workstation. After years of development, Ohm Studio is finally open to anyone for free. Thanks to its cloud-based architecture, the first truly collaborative online digital...
Delay. Features : - Low CPU usage - 4 stereo tap delay - 2 stereo delay lines with feedback: multi-mode resonant filter, distortion - A high-shelf filter, to shunt...
Multiband distortion. Based on Predatohm's design, Ohmicide:Melohman is organized around up to four frequency bands, each of them coming with their own Noise Gate, Dynamic,...
Distortion. Features : - Multiband distortion, with many distortion schemes available. - Quick and efficient sound shaping provided by the tone setting. - Simple GUI that...
FilterBank. - A Four filters unit that you can configure in every possible way - Stereo processing - Each band contains a tap delay, a filter, a distortion - 30 filter...
Symptohm Melohman
Synthesizer. - Two unique sample based SyncGrain synthesis (Polyphonic or monotimbral, depending on preference). Create a morphing oscillator out of any sample, and even use...
Symptohm Melohman PE
Substrative synthesizer. This 'Performer Edition' is a simplified version of our Symptohm:Melohman powersynth, especially made for live use - but being also handy at the studio. The core...
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