ReFuse Software
Makes reFuse, a utility application to bridge Pro Tools and Reason (Rewire).
Software by ReFuse Software

Flips polarity. The Flipper flips signal polarity (misnomered often as "phase"). That's it.
Why should you care, when so many plug-ins already include a polarity switch in...

Bass enhancer. The Lowender plug-in is a subharmonic synthesizer reminiscent of classic analog dual-band bass enhancer circuits.
* Gate, drive, and output filter...

A note-to-frequency converter. A utility program for audio production. Press a note on the on-screen keyboard, and it gives you the Hz (frequency in cycles per second). It will also play a...

Link For Pro Tools And Reason. Refuse is a utility application to bridge Pro Tools and Reason. It allows users to work in realtime with Reason and Pro Tools, eliminating the tedious step of...

A drone synth inspired by The Swarmatron.. A drone synth inspired by The Swarmatron, a handmade synthesizer from Dewanatron.
We have released The Swarm as an OS X standalone application only. It is not...