Roni music
Manufacturer of Music/MIDI shareware software: Amazing Slow Downer, MIDI Sequencer, Arpeggiator, Harmonizer.
Software by Roni music

Time-stretching & Pitch in real time. Slows down the speed of the music - between -50% and 400% time-stretching without changing the pitch. Real-time processing-all described above is done in...

Sound recorder. Audio Companion is a sound recorder allowing you to record music via the built in sound input or any sound input device connected to your computer (USB devices...

Removes scratches and crackles. An advanced filtering function that will remove most of the scratches and crackles that may be present on recording made from old worn out vinyl records.

MIDI to sound file converter. Lets you convert your MIDI music into wave or aiff files so that you will be able to listen to them with a regular audio CD player or lets you convert your MIDI...

Player of MIDI-files. Sweet MIDI Player is a program for not only auditioning all types of MIDI files, but for modifying the MIDI files themselves.
Use its mixer-like interface to...