
Zplane.development specializes in music signal processing. As a service and audio technology provider zplane develops and licenses highest quality software and hardware solutions to the music industry.

Software by Zplane.development

Elastique Pitch
Pitch shifting. Elastique Pitch is an easy-to-use pitch shifting plugin guaranteeing highest quality by using the widely used elastique Pro engine. With its real-time and...
Time-stretching and pitch-shifting for Pro Tools. élastiqueAAX is zplane’s time and pitch manipulation plugin for Pro Tools. It uses the élastiquePro V3 time-stretching and pitch shifting engine which is...
Professional Metering Plugin. PPMulator+ is a cross-platform plug-in meter for digital audio workstations which exactly mimics the look and feel of a professional broadcast Peak Programme...
Professional Metering solution. PPMulatorXL is a cross-platform plug-in meter for digital audio workstations which exactly mimics the look and feel of a professional broadcast Peak Programme...
Real-time multi-pitch modification. ReTune gives you full access to the pitch content of your audio samples and enables you to map each input pitch to any other pitch of the chromatic scale – all...
Vielklang generates 4-voiced harmonizations as background choirs and brass sections instantly.. Vielklang VSTi/AU, a plugin instrument for instant audio harmonization, generates up to four voices from a single-voiced audio input. The progression of each...
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