SonicXTC is a manufacturer of quality VST Plugins located in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. Our plugins follow a simple philosophy of providing music producers with cutting edge musical software devices that do not get in the way of the music creation process.
Software by SonicXTC

Phaser. The Analog Phaser Module APM 111 is a re-creation of a common effects chain of running a signal through two independent phasers working either in tandem or in...

Ring modulator. The ARM 101 is a re-creation of a classic effects chain using a vintage ring modulator. However, unless you are handy with a soldering iron, have access to an...

Bass line synthesizer. New monophonic bass line synthesizer, B-Line 303 emulates the classic Acid sound of the Roland TB-303 and Roland SH-101. B-Line 303 can easily dial up the...

Substractive synth. Deep-Mono is a freeware monophonic single oscillator synthesizer. If you are a tweaker then you will like this synth. It is simple to program and has all the...

Vintage delay effect. Echoflux VST plugin is a compact re-creation of the classic Echoplex Tape delay effects units of the 60’s and 70’s. Echoflux faithfully emulates the warm sound...

Distorsion filtre unit. Filta Cruch is a re-creation of an insert signal chain used in many studios when tracking drums, instruments or vocals for recording. It consists of a classic...

Acoutic dispersion delay. To our knowledge, Fusion Delay is the only free VST Plugin to use sonic "Acoustic Dispersion" effects. Acoustic dispersion is the phenomenon of a sound wave...

Modulated Delay. Liquid Delay is a re-creation of a Modulated Delay effect found in high end studios. Modulated Delay is a delay effect where the stereo delay signal is...

Reverb. Liquid Space is a sophisticated modulated reverb unit. Specifically, Liquid Space is a compact re-creation of an effect chain contained in the T.C. Electronics...

Modulated Reverb. Liquid Verb is a re-creation of Modulated Reverb found in high end studios. Modulated reverb is a reverb effect seasoned with some (any) form of modulation...