A.O.M. Factory

A.O.M. Factory offers professional audio plug-ins. Our goal is to provide simple and effective gears for audio and music production.

Software by A.O.M. Factory

Cyclic Panner
Pan/width control tool. Cyclic Panner is an unique pan/width control tool based on axis transformation. It offers visual display of sound field and intuitive pan control. Features: -...
Invisible Limiter
Limiter. The Invisible Limiter is a transparent look-ahead brickwall limiter with automatic attack/release-time optimization. The Invisible Limiter's limiting algorithm...
Stereo Imager D
Stereo image control. Stereo Imager D provides you decorrelation-based stereo image control. Common stereo imager (typically using M/S decomposition) plugins can not retain stereo...
Equalizer. Features - Unique transparent sound. - Six equalizer bands and Lo-/Hi-Cut filters. - All equalizer bands and filters can be put on a channel in Stereo(LR), Left,...
Wave Shredder
Destructive processors. A.O.M. Wave Shredder was bone to inject madness to your track. Wave Shredder is a collection of destructive processors: Rate Reducer, Zero-time Gate, Waveform...
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