Black Cat Systems

Offers several music related programs for the Macintosh, including Audiocorder, Sound Byte, and MacDSP.

Software by Black Cat Systems

Audio recording program. Digitizing a record album or tape. Each song will be stored as its own file, ready for you to burn onto a CD, etc. • Recording telephone conversations....
Mac Audio Toolbox
Audio Generator. Is an audio function generator for the Macintosh. Using no additional hardware, you can produce sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms of any frequency...
Programmable Audio Generator. PAG is a program for creating audio files containing a series of tones. It is useful for creating files of test tones, for testing audio software, or equipment.
Sound Byte
Cataloguer and Reader of Sounds. Sound Byte is a computerized cart machine for the Macintosh. It is very similar to the so-called cart machines used at radio stations in the past. Each recording...

iPhone/iPad Apps by Black Cat Systems

Sound Byte Control lets you control a copy of Sound Byte running on a remote computer from your iPad. Now you can run Sound Byte for all your sound clip playback...
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