
Since the birth of Nebula in 2005, a dynamic collaboration was born between forward thinking developers, beta testers, audio engineers and equipment samplers from around the world. The company\'s goal is to provide the most authentic reproduction of sampled vintage gear and other high end hardware devices, using the revolutionary technology V.V.K.T. (Vectorial Volterra Kernels Technology) without the negative artifacts created by current convolution technology.

Software by Acustica

Virtual preamp. A Powered by Nebula product, AcquaVox is a simple to use - yet world class – emulation of a classic, highly revered preamp.  Perfect for adding warmth to...
Blue Eq
Equalizer. Blue Eq is a detailed emulation of vintage-revisited semiconductor equalizer, inspired by legendary British devices. For the first time ever, this well known EQ...
Nebula 3 Free
Vintage gear emulation. Nebula is a VST multieffect plug-in that is able to emulate and replicate several types of expensive audio equipment, eliminating the need for costly and bulky...
Nebula 3 Pro
Vintage gear emulation. Nebula is a VST multieffect plug-in that is able to emulate and replicate several types of expensive audio equipment, eliminating the need for costly and bulky...
Red Eq
Equalizer. The Red Eq equalizer provides three fixed bands at 80Hz, 1.8kHz and 8kHz, the upper and lower bands being shelving while the middle has a traditional bell...
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