
Official website of Chrysalis plugins. Cadence and Jekyll effects. Ichi and Ni synthesizers.

Software by Saltline

FM synth. Brzoza is a 2 operator, 6 modulator FM synth. Each operator has 3 modulators each.
Lisc delay
Delay. Li?? delay features pre and post effect filters. The dry signal can be passed through the pre effect filter before the output and/or before the effect section....
Sequenced filter. Li??-step is a simple state variable filter. The cutoff frequency can be controlled in 2 ways, via the 16 step sequencer or low frequency oscillator. Li??-step...
Reverb and delay. Li??-verb is a reverb and delay effect. It’s simple layout and structure can bring texture and space to any sound source, from creating strange ambience for pads...
Synth. Ni is a single oscillator, 16-step, sequencer synthesizer. The oscillator features 7 selectable waveforms, octave up and down switching, fine tune and phase...
Son of a pitch
Pitch shifter. Son of a pitch is an audio pitch bend effect. The pitch of the incoming signal can be controlled by the pitch knob or by a sync to host LFO. The pitch knob...
Subtractive synthesizer. ?wierk is a simple VA subtractive synthesizer. It’s layout and signal path allows the user to create sounds quickly and with ease. ?wierk is a freeware VST...
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