Tone2 was founded in 2005. Tone2 is a an independent brand which develops high quality audio applications for a fair price. The brains behind Tone2 are Markus Feil (bachelor of science in computer science, known from reFX Synthesizers) and the scientist Prof. Dr. Hartmuth Pfitzinger from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Germany. They make Gladiator, BiFilter2, FireBird, FilterBank3, BiFilter, ReFX Slayer 2, ReFX Vanguard, etc.
Software by Tone2

Enhancement tools. Tone2 AkustiX is a collection of six essential enhancement tools combined into one intuitive user interface. Ideal for tracks as well as full mixes AkustiX...

Filtrer module. BiFilter2 is a high-end quality stereo filter module. BiFilter2 drastically extends the 'filter plug-in' concept to provide today's creative musicians with an...

Multi-synthesis. Explore the musical possibilities of multi-synthesis oscillators, analog modeled filters, chaotic fractals, samples, psychoacoustic processing, flexible...

Modular filter effect. Tone2 FilterBank3 is more than a filter plugin - it is a complete VST synthesizer and a flexible multi-effect unit. The modular design and flexible modulation...

Synthesizer. Firebird+ is not just another synthesizer. It provides a powerful, unique, and innovative synthesis architecture for next-generation sounds never heard before....

Hybrid synthesizer. GLADIATOR is Tone2's latest synthesizer using the groundbreaking Harmonic Content Morphing, synthesis method allowing a unique sound which is not possible with...

FM Synthesis. Nemesis includes traditional FM synthesis as well as a completely new and improved approach to FM called NeoFM synthesis. NeoFM and several other innovative...

Synthesizer. - New synthesis method: Impulse Modeling Synthesis (IMS) based on the latest research in psychoacoustics.
- Access completely new sonic territory
- Sounds more...

Virtual analog synth. Saurus takes the high regarded analog sound from the past into the unlimited digital realm, fusing them together with a user interface that invites to tweak and...

Ambience-modeling processor. UltraSpace is the complete ambience-modeling solution. It can simulate nearly any kind of room, echo or acoustic environment with high-end sound quality....