Uncut Plugins
VST Synths and Effects Created with Synthedit

Master EQ. 15 Band 2/3 Octave Master EQ.... Low CPU Usage

Eq. 3 Band Insert EQ With Width and Pan

Master EQ. 31 Band 1/3 Octave Master EQ ...Low CPU Usage

Eq. 5 Band Parametric EQ Variable Bandwidth...Low CPU Usage

Virtual electric piano. Virtual electric piano

Synth. 16 Patches (To get you Started)
Single Panel Synth
6 Saw Oscillators with tuning on each.
Octave,Semi tone and Fine Tune
Mix 1&2 Mix 3&4 Vol for each pair.

Phase Distortion Synth. 16 Patches (To get you Started)
Single Panel Synth
1 PD Oscillator with unison 16 Voices.
Saw,Square,Pulse,Dbl Sine,Saw Pulse,Reso 1,Reso 2
Reso 3 Waveforms X...

Virtual pipe organ. Virtual pipe organ

3 Osc Unison Synth. 2 Unison Oscillators 16 Voice 7 Waveforms Sine,Saw,Ramp,Triangle,Pulse,(PWM)White Noise,Pink
Noise.Mute Button on each Oscillator
2 ADSR Oscillator Envelopes