Software by SyncerSoft

FM synth. Programme synthesizer "Alice-1377" is created on base of the classical soviet synthesizer "Alisa-1377"

Subtractive synthesizer. Analog Voice is vintage style subtractive synthesis synthesizer with extended possibilites of modulation. It has 4 types of analog style sounding filters onboard...

Warp and morph. Analog Warp is warp and morph effect designed to deliver the clear, penetrating sounds favoured by live musicians. It's ideal for use in trance, dance, techno,...

Bass booster. Bass Landscapes VST is a bass boost VST plugin that creates new harmonics. With help of low-mid boost you can properly suite your bass or kickdrum in the mix....

Bass ROM synthesizer. Electro Bass Landscapes is the electro bass ROM synthesizer which is designed for playing different musical compositions of any genre. It is also intended for...

FM synth. Created on base of the classical soviet synthesizer "Estradin - 230". A monophonic synthesizer Estradin-230 contains 4 main sources of sound - 3 tone generators...

Frequency booster. Freq Booster is plugin that enriches sound with creation of new harmonics using algorythm based on unique new psychoacoustic algorythm: crossmodulation of...

Detune and morph effect. Lizard Morph is detune and morph effect designed to deliver the powerful, penetrating sounds favoured by trance musicians. It's ideal for use in trance, dance,...

Analogue synth. Q9 Oldvox is analogue synth with powerful configuration. Contains an automatic mode detune. Two separate oscillator and filter and LFO. The synthesizer has a...

Resonance and morph effect. Resonator is resonance and morph effect designed to deliver the clear, penetrating sounds favoured by live musicians. It's ideal for use in trance, dance,...

FM synth. Programme synthesizer "Rhythm - 2 " is created on base of the legend soviet synthesizer "Ritm - 2" (1984), which was an one-voice keyboard synthesizer designed...

Synthesizer. Saw Landscapes is created on base of the Bass Landscapes VST
Saw Landscapes is the soft synthesizer which is designed for playing different musical compositions...

Substractive synth. Programme synthesizer "SubsTractor" is created on base of the popular Propellerhead Reason soft synthesizer "SubTractor"

Analog synth. Analog Virtual Synthesizer with unique Fat Mode for very Fat Leads, Draw Organ & more instruments

Sound enrichment. Tape filter is a plugin that enriches sound with creation of new harmonics using algorythm based on unique new psychoacoustic algorythm (multi band):...