
Developper of RaySpace, an acoustic simulator VST plug-in

Software by QuikQuak

Bar Chimes
Bar chimes simulation. Bar Chimes are percussion instruments that are used in a wide range of musical styles, producing that twinkling or sparkling sound often used by percussionists....
Crowd Chamber
Crowd simulator. Crowd Chamber is a audio plug-in that layers multiple variations of a signal to create a crowd simulation. Up to nearly 2,000,000 layers can be produced! From...
Fusion Field
Reverberation. Fusion Field is an easy to use diffusion reverb that QuikQuak has created in response to requests for a RaySpace 'light' and a version of Glass Viper's own...
Glass Viper
Synthesizer. Glass Viper is a synthesizer with unique waveform shaping, that has a deep and natural sense of movement. Going beyond analogue simulation, into a truly organic...
Mashup tool. MashTactic was initially designed as a mashup tool. It can separate different parts of a full mix, manipulating different frequencies and stereo location. Up to...
Real-time pitch changing plug-in. - Changes the pitch but not the length of a sound. - Large and easy to to use, ideal for experiments and live performances. - Full range adjustments from one...
Reverb. RaySpace is a completely new acoustic room simulator. This unique reverb introduces the new DBT engine that creates fantastic surround-sound atmospheres. The...
UpStereo Pro
Stereo enhancer. This plug-in uses unique technology for stereo enhancement. Unlike traditional techniques that can introduce phasing and inversion effects. UpStereo Pro uses...
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