ITunes web server. DOT-TUNES is an iTunes web server to share your compositions and remote control for AirTunes via any web device you can control your iTunes/AirTunes from...
    iNet Stream Archiver
    Record Shoutcast and Icecast internet radio. INet Stream Archiver allows you to record Shoutcast and Icecast internet radio. While recording, it will check the track name being played and make a new mp3...
    Internet MIDI
    MIDI connection over Internet. Internet MIDI is a program that connects two MIDI instruments together over the Internet. For example, when you connect two MIDI keyboards and play a note on one...
    Surf & Record Net Audio To MP4-AAC. RAW enables you to surf and record Net audio to MP4-AAC. You can record multiple BBC radio streams, Hollywood movie trailer soundtracks and news webcasts at the...
    Net Tunes
    ITunes remote control for networked. Net Tunes is the ultimate iTunes remote control solution for networked users.
    Audio via ethernet. Two softs named "netSOUND player" and "netSOUND router" transport uncompressed audio stream from one computer to another via RJ45 ethernet. Plus : • MIDI...
    Radio Broadcast. Nicecast is the easiest way to broadcast music from OS X. Broadcast to the world, or just across your house. Nicecast can help you create your own internet radio...
    Make music via the internet. NINJAM is a program to allow people to make real music together via the Internet. Every participant can hear every other participant. Each user can also tweak...
    Tracker for the RadioParadise. RadioTracker's original function was to allow RadioParadise mac listeners a simple way to display the name of the songs being played without having to leave a...
    Real-Audio Player. For reading audio and video with the format real-audio on the Net.
    Stream And Rip Internet Radio. StreamRipperX is an open source (GPL) application that allows you to listen to Internet radio streams and rip the songs as individual MP3 files. StreamRipperX is...
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