
Allen & Heath Ltd
Version 1.95
Prix Gratuit
Categorie Outils / Controlleurs
Compatible avec
  • iPad2 3G
  • iPad2 Wifi
  • iPad 3G
  • iPad Wifi
  • Langues
    Sorti le 19 sept. 2013
    Mis à jour le 19 janv. 2023
    Taille 11.4 Mo
    Qu-Pad V1.95 for iPad.
    This version is for Allen & Heath Qu mixers running V1.9* firmware.

    Qu-Pad provides full wireless control for Qu range of digital mixing consoles giving the engineer the freedom to walk the room or stage and control the mix right where it is needed.

    Qu-Pad and the Qu mixing console can work together to provide simultaneous control of independent functions, for example one engineer using the console to mix front-of-house sound and another using the iPad to mix monitors on stage.

    The Qu mixer supports a maximum of 8 connections to iOS devices with up to two of these running Qu-Pad and the others running the Qu-You Personal Monitor app or Qu-Control app, which are also available free from the Apple Store.

    This version provides full remote control of the Qu...
    Qu-Pad V1.95 for iPad.
    This version is for Allen & Heath Qu mixers running V1.9* firmware.

    Qu-Pad provides full wireless control for Qu range of digital mixing consoles giving the engineer the freedom to walk the room or stage and control the mix right where it is needed.

    Qu-Pad and the Qu mixing console can work together to provide simultaneous control of independent functions, for example one engineer using the console to mix front-of-house sound and another using the iPad to mix monitors on stage.

    The Qu mixer supports a maximum of 8 connections to iOS devices with up to two of these running Qu-Pad and the others running the Qu-You Personal Monitor app or Qu-Control app, which are also available free from the Apple Store.

    This version provides full remote control of the Qu including all mixing and setup functions.

    An Allen & Heath Qu-16, Qu-24, Qu-32, Qu-Pac or Qu-SB mixing console running V1.9* version firmware, with a suitable wireless router or access point connected to its Network port. The Qu mixer firmware and Qu-Pad app maintenance version numbers do not need to be identical, for example Qu-Pad V1.95 will run with Qu mixer V1.91. Refer to the Allen & Heath web site for more information and to download the latest Qu mixer firmware.

    Allen & Heath Qu-Pad

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      Allen & Heath Qu-Pad
      Allen & Heath
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