
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.8
Format AUVST
Compatibilité CycleMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149  /  142€
Mis à jour le 20 janv. 2015
Téléchargements 108
Télécharg. Mac 63
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.8
Format VST
Compatibilité CycleWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149  /  142€
Mis à jour le 20 janv. 2015
Téléchargements 108
Télécharg. PC 45

Synthétiseur spectral

Cycle est un synthétiseur conçu pour exceller dans les deux domaines de la complexité du timbre et des variations du timbre dans le temps.

L'interface utilisateur est batie autour de la création de formes d'onde vectorisées et de courbes de spectre, et d'outils permettant leur modification temporelle.
Mac OSX 10.6+
Cycle Cycle v 1.8 20 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Better UI responsiveness
Added Envelope Options
Added visual helpers
Workflow additions
VST3 support
Amaranth Audio Cycle Cycle v 1.7 20 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • Reference Multisamples

  • Nudge Tool

  • Envelope updates

  • Automatic Modelling

  • New Presets & Sharing features

  • Bugs fixed
  • Amaranth Audio Cycle v 1.6 11 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Patch update 1.6

    New "Reference Samples" tutorial
    Improved pitch tracking on samples
    Folder navigation features in Preset browser
    Deformer feature: random phase offset
    Cycle "About" window
    18 new presets


    Fixed when an envelope had a component deformer curve, it's gain was unsaved.
    Fixed Windows 0xc0000142 error on AMD cpus.
    Fixed after loading reference sample, phase spectrogram sometimes blank.
    Fixed when loading a new sample while one playing back could cause crash.
    Preset/sample browser now shows displays files of all supported sample formats (wav, ogg, flac, aif[f]).
    Swipe pitch tracking algorithm inaccuracies for low pitches fixed.
    Pitch envelope visualization more accurate in waveform surface.
    Audio samples at different samplerates now play back properly.
    synth Cycle v 1.5 17 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Convolution reverb.
    In-app tutorial framework.
    Improved noise sound quality.
    Impulse Modeller effect has new zero-latency processing.
    20 General-purpose automatable modulation sources.
    More deformer targets.
    Memory leak and several bugs fixed.
    timbre Cycle v 1.2 13 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    Graphic consistency and legibility improvements
    Graphic rendering optimizations
    Preset browser wave file search directory integrated & directories dialog removed
    Native OS file browser used where possible
    Informative mouse cursor when a tool is inapplicable
    Minor icon improvements
    Impulse Modeller attack-zoom/zoom-out buttons

    Spectral frequency domain's vertex range expanded
    Undo for all vertex movements, not just destructive operations
    Smarter and more accurate freehand drawing & tool removes existing points in drawing region
    Ability to easily save a sample's pitch tracking envelope file for later reference *

    Preset ratings persistent across installs
    User preset folder which won't get overwritten on updates
    Installer has field for your preset author alias, used in preset saving and management
    Some new presets and improvements on the old ones. Check out SaxophoneGrowl2, I'm happy with that one!

    Preset rating not taking effect fixed
    Deformer & Scratch envelope current layer # reset on preset switch
    New tags entered via preset browser not taking effect graphically fixed
    Input validation in preset browser search field
    Video card graphic memory leak fixed
    Graphic corruption on reference sample load fixed
    Some bad handling of overlapping dialogs prevented
    Bug where graphic detail was sometimes unrestored fixed
    Crash with unisoned spectral-free voice fixed
    On cyclic panels, a phase-wrapped vertex selection bug fixed **however there are some similar bugs yet to squash
    Uninstaller deletes all files individually so no chance of deleting a non-owned directory
    Standalone crash at shutdown when notes playing fixed
    Surface enablement graphic bug fixed
    Cycle Cycle v 1.8 20 janv. 2015 Windows
    Better UI responsiveness
    Added Envelope Options
    Added visual helpers
    Workflow additions
    VST3 support
    Amaranth Audio Cycle Cycle v 1.7 20 nov. 2014 Windows
  • Reference Multisamples

  • Nudge Tool

  • Envelope updates

  • Automatic Modelling

  • New Presets & Sharing features

  • Bugs fixed
  • Amaranth Audio Cycle v 1.6 11 oct. 2014 Windows
    Patch update 1.6

    New "Reference Samples" tutorial
    Improved pitch tracking on samples
    Folder navigation features in Preset browser
    Deformer feature: random phase offset
    Cycle "About" window
    18 new presets


    Fixed when an envelope had a component deformer curve, it's gain was unsaved.
    Fixed Windows 0xc0000142 error on AMD cpus.
    Fixed after loading reference sample, phase spectrogram sometimes blank.
    Fixed when loading a new sample while one playing back could cause crash.
    Preset/sample browser now shows displays files of all supported sample formats (wav, ogg, flac, aif[f]).
    Swipe pitch tracking algorithm inaccuracies for low pitches fixed.
    Pitch envelope visualization more accurate in waveform surface.
    Audio samples at different samplerates now play back properly.
    synth Cycle v 1.5 17 sept. 2014 Windows
    Convolution reverb.
    In-app tutorial framework.
    Improved noise sound quality.
    Impulse Modeller effect has new zero-latency processing.
    20 General-purpose automatable modulation sources.
    More deformer targets.
    Memory leak and several bugs fixed.
    timbre Cycle v 1.2 13 févr. 2014 Windows
    New Features:

    Graphic consistency and legibility improvements
    Graphic rendering optimizations
    Preset browser wave file search directory integrated & directories dialog removed
    Native OS file browser used where possible
    Informative mouse cursor when a tool is inapplicable
    Minor icon improvements
    Impulse Modeller attack-zoom/zoom-out buttons

    Spectral frequency domain's vertex range expanded
    Undo for all vertex movements, not just destructive operations
    Smarter and more accurate freehand drawing & tool removes existing points in drawing region
    Ability to easily save a sample's pitch tracking envelope file for later reference *

    Preset ratings persistent across installs
    User preset folder which won't get overwritten on updates
    Installer has field for your preset author alias, used in preset saving and management
    Some new presets and improvements on the old ones. Check out SaxophoneGrowl2, I'm happy with that one!

    Preset rating not taking effect fixed
    Deformer & Scratch envelope current layer # reset on preset switch
    New tags entered via preset browser not taking effect graphically fixed
    Input validation in preset browser search field
    Video card graphic memory leak fixed
    Graphic corruption on reference sample load fixed
    Some bad handling of overlapping dialogs prevented
    Bug where graphic detail was sometimes unrestored fixed
    Crash with unisoned spectral-free voice fixed
    On cyclic panels, a phase-wrapped vertex selection bug fixed **however there are some similar bugs yet to squash
    Uninstaller deletes all files individually so no chance of deleting a non-owned directory
    Standalone crash at shutdown when notes playing fixed
    Surface enablement graphic bug fixed
    Amaranth Audio
    Acheter Cycle près de Columbus, United States chez:

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