Released a beta version of 1.2.0. This has some changes in the underlying framework, and I would appreciate you test this before we call it an official release.
This version should include a bunch of stability improvements, and some issues regarding high memory usage in 64 bit (4GB+). Because we were required to update many third party components, we need help to make sure that no new bugs where introduced by this upgrade.
Fix: Controller maps where not recalled correctly in global snapshots, leading to all sorts of errors.
Note that the Global snapshots now reference the controller maps in the project. So if you delete or change a map it will also be changed in the global snapshot.
Fix: General bug fixes and some memory issues.
Fix: Several cosmetic bugs.
New: X64 Version
New: Midi indicator on each plugin
New: Possible to stop running wait times with a keyboard shortcut
Fix: Several typos
Change: When scanning for new plugins it now saves the plugin list after each plugin so that if a plugin should crash during scan you don't have to start all over.
Fix: Could crash on startup if the ASIO driver had problems
Fix: Panels could jump outside the screen when snapping to other panels.
Fix: Check boxes in the view menu sometimes showed the wrong state.
Fix: Bug when dragging items to the cue lists after deleting cue actions.
Fix: Plugin categories: Fixed bugs and added option to delete categories and removed a bug where it was possible to create categories with out a name
Fix: Cue lists/LiveProfessor use less resources now. it was not possible to create more then about 80 cue lists when the system would get unstable . Should be fine to add about 200 now. If you need more then 200 cue lists, email me..
Fix: Fixed a bug with the Maximize to Full screen option
Fix: The option to reverse a controller assignment did not work when transformation where active.
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