
Categorie Divers / Lecteurs & Jukebox
Version 2.0.4
Format App
Compatibilité SnapperMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $79  /  59€
Mis à jour le 25 juil. 2012
Téléchargements 212
Télécharg. Mac 212

Lecteur de fichier son depuis le Finder

Lorsque vous sélectionnez un fichier audio dans le Finder, Snapper apparaît immédiatement juste en-dessous de la fenêtre activée, affichant la forme d'onde

Appuyez sur la barre espace, double-cliquez dans la forme d'onde pour jouer le fichier, ou utilisez la fonction autoplay. La lecture à vitesse variable est aussi possible.

Dans la forme d'onde de Snapper vous pouvez sélectionner une partie du fichier et:
- la glisser-déposer pour créer un nouveau fichier
- la glisser vers tout séquenceur ou éditeur audio
- convertir la sélection en fichier mp3 (ou ogg, mp4, flac)
- séparer les fichiers stéréo en paires .L .R
- exporter en AIFF, WAV, BWF, mp4.

Snapper supporte puis de 50 formats de fichiers sons, comprenant fichiers compressés, stéréo séparée, 192 kHz, surround 5.1,...
Lorsque vous sélectionnez un fichier audio dans le Finder, Snapper apparaît immédiatement juste en-dessous de la fenêtre activée, affichant la forme d'onde

Appuyez sur la barre espace, double-cliquez dans la forme d'onde pour jouer le fichier, ou utilisez la fonction autoplay. La lecture à vitesse variable est aussi possible.

Dans la forme d'onde de Snapper vous pouvez sélectionner une partie du fichier et:
- la glisser-déposer pour créer un nouveau fichier
- la glisser vers tout séquenceur ou éditeur audio
- convertir la sélection en fichier mp3 (ou ogg, mp4, flac)
- séparer les fichiers stéréo en paires .L .R
- exporter en AIFF, WAV, BWF, mp4.

Snapper supporte puis de 50 formats de fichiers sons, comprenant fichiers compressés, stéréo séparée, 192 kHz, surround 5.1, audio red book, cds, films avec audio. Il affiche boucles, marqueur, timestamps, regions, annotations BWF, couvertures d'album. Certains formats nécessitent l'installation de composants externes.
Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) or higher
Snapper Snapper v 2.0.4 25 juil. 2012 MacOS X UB
This update addresses three issues:

Magnetic mode repaired for Mac OS 10.7 Lion
Export to folder selection dialog fixed.
LAME encoder is located in a new way, to avoid incorrect "Encoder not found" message
Audio Ease Snapper Snapper v 2.0.1 8 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
2.0.1 (October 8, 2010)

  • Some export functions gave duplicate file name errors.

  • Feedback on export could stick in waveform display after export was done.

  • 2.0.0 (October 7, 2010)

  • Spot to Logic 9, Cubase, Cubase Studio & Nuendo.

  • Drag audio to any application that accepts sound files.

  • Broadcast Wave files from field recorders sometimes put extra meta data in the files. This data is read for track names. In split format these files carry channel tags of .A1/.A2/.A3/.A4 and sets are recognized properly.

  • Looping playback of selection or entire file. Looping can be switched on and off with a key command.

  • Skip forward and backward with key commands. The skip amount is customizable.

  • Waveform Edge color preference: in earlier Snapper versions the waveform edge color was always a highlighted version of the waveform fill color; that's now customizable. There's also an adjustable shadow to the waveform.

  • Internally the file I/O has been upgraded to handle 64 bit file indexing. This means that files can get bigger than 4GB. Currently only CAF and Wave 64 files can actually get bigger: older file types such as AIFF and Wave use 32 bit positioners internally.

  • WMA & WMV files via Flip4Mac. Importing such files cause delays in responsiveness of Snapper as Flip4Mac converts files in the background.

  • With the XiphQT QuickTime component installed Snapper recognizes Ogg Vorbis files.

  • With the Flac QuickTime component installed Snapper recognizes Flac files.

  • Support for CAF files. CAF files can be bigger than 4GB.

  • Support for Wave 64 files (.w64). These files can be bigger than 4GB.

  • Support for REX files (.rex, .rcy, .rx2). Slices in the REX files show up as regions.

  • The ruler and time displays can be switched to samples as well as hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds.

  • Exported files can have a fade in and fade out time.

  • Exported files can be normalized.

  • Fade and normalize settings available in main window.

  • Stereo files can be interpreted as Mid/Side. When Mid/Side decoding is used for playback, it's also used for any export method.

  • More key commands for:

  • Varispeed up, down and reset

  • Volume up and down

  • All export functions (spot to track, spot to bin, spot to folder, make mp3, mail mp3, split and interleave)

  • Snap to window

  • Zoom vertically

  • Meters per channel. Clicking on these meters will act as a mute button, excluding that channel from playback.

  • Customizable zoom factor. Earlier Snapper versions always had a zoom factor of 3, that can now be varied between 1.2 and 5.

  • Customizable vertical zoom factor. Earlier Snapper versions always had a vertical zoom factor of 2, that can now be varied between 1.1 and 5.

  • Region and marker lists are now intergrated in the main window, so the separate windows are gone.

  • Varispeed can be corrected for pitch. Note that this is heavier on the CPU than uncorrected varispeed.

  • Select all and deselect work on the waveform, no longer on the info text.

  • Option-click in a selection deselects.

  • Command-click in a selection moves the selection, without changing its length.

  • There's a tab for recently viewed, or even favourite, files. It keeps track of what files you have viewed in this session, and shows that as a list so you can quickly return to a previous file. If you mark a file as permanent it'll show up even after you've quit and relaunched Snapper. A contextual menu in the table lets you remove items, show them in the Finder and mark/unmark them as favourite. You can also drag files from just about the Finder into the recent list. You can even drag from Snapper itself !

  • Fade handles in waveform display, for quick editing.

  • Changes:
  • Zoom is now four commands, all available from key strokes: zoom in, zoom out, zoom to selection and zoom all the way out.

  • Autoplay will start play for any new selection.

  • Rewind will wind back to the start of the selection, if any, or to the start of the file. To deselect any selection use command-D, or the Deselect All item from the Edit menu. Making a new selection, or click in the waveform outside the selection will also remove the previous one.

  • The conversion progress sheet is gone: the progress of an ongoing conversion is now displayed by animating the color in the waveform. There's a stop button in the toolbar if you change your mind on a lengthy conversion.

  • When dragging, the cursor will change to the draggable waveform once the conversion is completed. For long selections this may take a while.

  • Vertical zoom buttons are gone: dragging up and down in the bar to the right of the waveform zooms vertically continuously.

  • Drag export will always do Wave files, as that is the most common sound file currently in use. For drags to a Pro Tools session, it's best to split the exported file, to avoid confusion over channel ordering in multichannel files. For other applications, it's best to interleave the file and have the receiver figure out what channel goes where. There's a separate preference item for this.

  • Key commands do proper key repeat, which makes zooming and skipping a lot less stressful on the poor keyboard.

  • Scroll wheel: vertical motion zooms in horizontally, horizontal motion scrolls.

  • When trimming a selection with the shift key Snapper will set to cursor to play around the changed end. Best used with loop playback on.

  • Bug fixes from version 1.x:
  • Spot to Pro Tools on Intel Macs could have wrong endian data.

  • Wave float files were interpreted wrong on PowerPCs.

  • Several channel ordering issues.
  • Audio Ease
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