Added ProTools 12+ AAX-64 support.
Implemented color scheme editor with load and save functions.
Added "Brown", "White" and "Cyan" color schemes.
Redesigned the infrastructure controls.
Made internal channel names start at "C" to reduce confusion with the A/B comparison buttons.
Added 90%, 110% and 150% visual scales.
Made the user interface scale switchable without host reload.
A problem with the Global Settings sliders missing fixed.
Side-chain routing presets now appear dimmed to reduce confusion.
Parameter automation on AU Mac OS X now shows real parameter values.
The "VST Function Sync" global switch was added that fixes crashes in some hosts (i.e. Tracktion).
Preset "update" function implemented in the preset manager.
"Density mode" implemented in level meters.
The "No Multi-Channel Operation" global switch was added that fixes incompatibility with some non-VST2.3 compliant VST hosts.
The "Show All Channel Meters" routing switch added.
Additional visual look variation settings added.
* An algorithmic issue that produces high-frequency damping/overboost was fixed. Unfortunately, this made presets created in the previous version of this plug-in not fully transferrable to the new version in terms of the sound. We are sorry for this inconvenience. But the overall sound did improve considerably.
* The "Mode" selector implemented which provides a lot of flexibility to the plug-in.
* The "Auto" switch implemented which enables automatic Detect Delay and Contour parameter value selection (no program dependency assumed).
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