
Categorie Divers / Lecteurs & Jukebox
Version 2.2.0
Format App
Compatibilité SoundboardMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $49  /  45€
Mis à jour le 26 juin 2012
Téléchargements 1 451
Télécharg. Mac 1 451

Lancez des clips audio avec le clavier du mac

Avec Soundboard, vous créez vos bibliothèques de clips audios favoris (jingles, effets, accompagnement musical…) et vous les déclenchez instantanément en tappant des touches de votre clavier d'ordinateur. Soundboard a été conçu pour des performances live, l'interface est pensée intuitive et élégante. Tous les Soundboard que vous créez peuvent être exportés et partagés avec des DJs ou podcaster. L'importation est tout aussi simple.
Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Soundboard Soundboard v 2.2.0 26 juin 2012 MacOS X UB
Added "Single Sound Mode" feature
Soundboards are now single file archives for ease of file sharing
Ability to lock the triggers for a presentation mode
Max and min volume indicators are now buttons that instantly mute and set max volume
MacOS X 10.7 aka "Lion" compatibility fixes
Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
Ambrosia Software Soundboard Soundboard v 2.1.0 23 sept. 2011 MacOS X UB
Non indiquées
Ambrosia Software Soundboard v 2.0.1 22 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
Non indiquées
clavier Soundboard v 2.0.0 5 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Soundpipe Audio Routing

  • Record Soundboard's audio output in any audio recording program (such as GarageBand) without additional hardware or software using our Soundpipe technology.

  • Redesigned User Interface

  • Soundboard 2.0 features a totally redesigned user interface with unified, single-window controls to streamline operation during live broadcasts and events.

  • Low Latency, High Performance

  • Soundboard has a sophisticated internal sound caching mechanism to ensure very low latency when cuing effects, and also minimal CPU impact when playing them.

  • Powerful New Controls

  • Soundboard 2.0 adds per-volume sliders for discrete sound effect control, as well as customizable Ducking level and Pause All controls for your sound effects.
    clips Soundboard v 1.0.5 30 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Dramatically improved performance and decreased latency of playback engine
    * Fixed an issue where sounds could stop randomly on Intel-based laptops
    * Updated the application icon to 512x512
    * Other enhancements and bug fixes
    telecharger Soundboard v 1.0.3 30 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Added a Japanese localization
    * Fixed a bug relating to registration on Snow Leopard
    * Changed the minimum system version to 10.5.7
    Ambrosia Software
    Acheter Soundboard près de , United States chez:

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