Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.0.2
Compatibilité XILS 3MacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $199  /  149€
Mis à jour le 12 nov. 2014
Téléchargements 2 932
Télécharg. Mac 1 764
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.0.2
Compatibilité XILS 3Windows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $199  /  149€
Mis à jour le 12 nov. 2014
Téléchargements 2 932
Télécharg. PC 1 168

Emulateur du EMS/AKS

XILS 3 est un synthé virtuel modulaire conçu d'après le légendaire VCS3 d'EMS.

Caractéristiques :
• 3 oscillateurs sans aliasing (sinus, carré, triangle, dents de scie)
• un filtre passe-bas 2 ou 4 pôles (un mode 3 pôle avec auto-oscillation est également prévu)
• une enveloppe basée sur 2 conceptions différentes, ADSR et trapézoïde
• une réverbération à ressort
• un modulateur en anneau
• un step séquenceur à 128 pas
• 2 filtres statiques en sortie
• un joystick virtuel
• matrice de routage à triple connexion autorisant plus 450 permutations
• une entrée gate
• une entrée suiveur d'enveloppe
• un pitch tracker
• un transient tracker
• modes Mono, Unisson, Polyphonique
• jusqu'à 18 voix de polyphonie
• l'ensemble des paramètres est contrôlable via MIDI
XILS 3 XILS 3 v 2.0.2 12 nov. 2014 MacOS X UB
ILok protection issue on Mac OSX (rare cases) fixed
update to be synced with the XILS 3 LE
XILS-lab XILS 3 XILS 3 v 2.0 3 avril 2014 MacOS X UB
Name changed to XILS 3.2 : Your existing projects remain unchanged. ( XILS 3 v2.0 will appear as a new synth in your host, and previous version will still show as a distinct unit )

Core Audio Engine : Waveshaper for the sine wave, New versions of the zero-delay behaviour 24 & 18 dB analog filters (with realistic and ultra precise modeled internal non linearities), New Phaser effect, Polyphonic Ring Modulator, enhanced Velocity/ VCA engine, additional custom modulation sources and targets added. Additonal modulations in the seqencer and keyboard matrixes added ( Gate )

New GUI & User Interface : Zoom on all the matrixes, continuous modulation amount is now possible inside the Pin Matrix (advanced swiveling Pins), improved ergonomics and workflow, Polyphonic sequencer workflow vastly improved, GUI totally revamped.

Presets :150 new presets, improved factory bank (retagged, Adapted, for Vector synthesis and real time controls response, reorganized) ( Total is now nearly 400 presets )

Compatibility : installs in a new independent folder, preserving presets characteristics when importing them from version 1.5.4 and previous )
XILS-lab XILS 3 v 1.5.4 4 déc. 2013 MacOS X UB
AAX for OSX 32 & 64 bits
AAX for Windows (7&8) 32 & 64 bits
Ready for Protools 10.3, 11 and later
tracker XILS 3 v 1.5.3 17 déc. 2012 MacOS X UB
Presets wasn't launched correctly (1.5.0 to 1.5.1 ONLY) : The Keyboard Playing mode setting wasn't correctly taken into account (always "Circular Poly" what ever the display)
Matrix : GUI mouse clic fixed (double clic issue)
Sequencer and matrix preset management improved (no more crashes)
Filter level knob is now working properly
Sequencer : when releasing the keyboard, the oscillators keep their pitch
Sequencer one shot : works correctly
Envelope level modulation : correctly modulated when connected to the velocity
Import/export banks : no more crashes when the file name is very long
RTAS windows : Correctly launched in Protools
virtuel XILS 3 v 1.5.0 14 mai 2012 MacOS X UB
64 bits compatibility
No more arrow for preset selection, click on the entire name
On Mac OSX : user and factory preset folders changed (no more in /Applications )
On Windows : default install folder changed.
New option : Popup with mouse over
Mac : better click on the matrix dots
Preset management bug fixed
telecharger XILS 3 v 1.3.0 16 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
New features
  • The preset management has been improved : Save, Save As, bank rename or duplicate preset functions are now easy and obvious.

  • You can now choose the number of available voices, saving CPU when using the polyphonic circular mode.

  • Right clic on the joy stick locks/unlocks the mouse.

  • The drop down destination menu allows to choose the oscillators and noise level, increasing a lot the sound design possibilities

  • Fixes
  • it is now working fine as an effect in audio unit.
  • mac XILS 3 v 1.2.12 19 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
    Non indiquées
    windows XILS 3 v 1.2 12 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
    Main features and enhancements :
    * New preset management : The preset management allows users to tag and sort the presets according to more filters (style, type, feeling, author, project and bank) for an easy way to find the correct sound.
    * New presets from Drew Neumann.
    * Keyboard hold button

    Bugs fixes :
    * On OSX Tiger : working on Cubase SX3 and earlier
    * Working with some other DAW (Mulab, Amadeus, ...)
    * Some stuck notes issues are fixed
    * Fixed audio bug that could be created under certain circumstances within the pin matrix that caused an audio feedback loop
    macintosh XILS 3 v 1.1.1 16 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • iLok protection

  • New option : oscillator tuning displayed as frequency.

  • Bug fix : main envelope was trigged when a preset was launched.
  • pc XILS 3 v 1.1.0 30 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Main features and enhancements :

    * New modules : Two envelopes, 1 MIDI synced LFO, 1 MIDI synced S&H, 1 Voltage Processor (for increasing the modulation shapes)
    * New sources and destinations for the matrix : A menu allows a wide range of destinations or sources, without increasing to much the matrix size.
    * Matrix Pins : 4 different colors for four different amounts and new sort of pin for inverting the signal.
    * New sequencer features : mouse editing, three independant sustain times, ....
    * New presets
    XILS 3 v 1.0.2 20 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
    _ No more plops and clicks when changing presets
    _ After touch level didn't work correctly: fixed
    _ Pitch tracker snap didn't work correctly: fixed
    XILS 3 XILS 3 v 2.0.2 12 nov. 2014 Windows
    ILok protection issue on Mac OSX (rare cases) fixed
    update to be synced with the XILS 3 LE
    XILS-lab XILS 3 XILS 3 v 2.0 3 avril 2014 Windows
    Name changed to XILS 3.2 : Your existing projects remain unchanged. ( XILS 3 v2.0 will appear as a new synth in your host, and previous version will still show as a distinct unit )

    Core Audio Engine : Waveshaper for the sine wave, New versions of the zero-delay behaviour 24 & 18 dB analog filters (with realistic and ultra precise modeled internal non linearities), New Phaser effect, Polyphonic Ring Modulator, enhanced Velocity/ VCA engine, additional custom modulation sources and targets added. Additonal modulations in the seqencer and keyboard matrixes added ( Gate )

    New GUI & User Interface : Zoom on all the matrixes, continuous modulation amount is now possible inside the Pin Matrix (advanced swiveling Pins), improved ergonomics and workflow, Polyphonic sequencer workflow vastly improved, GUI totally revamped.

    Presets :150 new presets, improved factory bank (retagged, Adapted, for Vector synthesis and real time controls response, reorganized) ( Total is now nearly 400 presets )

    Compatibility : installs in a new independent folder, preserving presets characteristics when importing them from version 1.5.4 and previous )
    XILS-lab XILS 3 v 1.5.4 4 déc. 2013 Windows
    AAX for OSX 32 & 64 bits
    AAX for Windows (7&8) 32 & 64 bits
    Ready for Protools 10.3, 11 and later
    tracker XILS 3 v 1.5.3 17 déc. 2012 Windows
    Presets wasn't launched correctly (1.5.0 to 1.5.1 ONLY) : The Keyboard Playing mode setting wasn't correctly taken into account (always "Circular Poly" what ever the display)
    Matrix : GUI mouse clic fixed (double clic issue)
    Sequencer and matrix preset management improved (no more crashes)
    Filter level knob is now working properly
    Sequencer : when releasing the keyboard, the oscillators keep their pitch
    Sequencer one shot : works correctly
    Envelope level modulation : correctly modulated when connected to the velocity
    Import/export banks : no more crashes when the file name is very long
    RTAS windows : Correctly launched in Protools
    virtuel XILS 3 v 1.5.0 14 mai 2012 Windows
    64 bits compatibility
    No more arrow for preset selection, click on the entire name
    On Mac OSX : user and factory preset folders changed (no more in /Applications )
    On Windows : default install folder changed.
    New option : Popup with mouse over
    Mac : better click on the matrix dots
    Preset management bug fixed
    telecharger XILS 3 v 1.3.0 16 nov. 2010 Windows
    New features
  • The preset management has been improved : Save, Save As, bank rename or duplicate preset functions are now easy and obvious.

  • You can now choose the number of available voices, saving CPU when using the polyphonic circular mode.

  • Right clic on the joy stick locks/unlocks the mouse.

  • The drop down destination menu allows to choose the oscillators and noise level, increasing a lot the sound design possibilities

  • Fixes
  • it is now working fine as an effect in audio unit.
  • mac XILS 3 v 1.2.12 19 sept. 2010 Windows
    Non indiquées
    windows XILS 3 v 1.2 12 mai 2010 Windows
    Main features and enhancements :
    * New preset management : The preset management allows users to tag and sort the presets according to more filters (style, type, feeling, author, project and bank) for an easy way to find the correct sound.
    * New presets from Drew Neumann.
    * Keyboard hold button

    Bugs fixes :
    * On OSX Tiger : working on Cubase SX3 and earlier
    * Working with some other DAW (Mulab, Amadeus, ...)
    * Some stuck notes issues are fixed
    * Fixed audio bug that could be created under certain circumstances within the pin matrix that caused an audio feedback loop
    macintosh XILS 3 v 1.1.1 16 nov. 2009 Windows
  • iLok protection

  • New option : oscillator tuning displayed as frequency.

  • Bug fix : main envelope was trigged when a preset was launched.
  • pc XILS 3 v 1.1.0 30 sept. 2009 Windows
    Main features and enhancements :

    * New modules : Two envelopes, 1 MIDI synced LFO, 1 MIDI synced S&H, 1 Voltage Processor (for increasing the modulation shapes)
    * New sources and destinations for the matrix : A menu allows a wide range of destinations or sources, without increasing to much the matrix size.
    * Matrix Pins : 4 different colors for four different amounts and new sort of pin for inverting the signal.
    * New sequencer features : mouse editing, three independant sustain times, ....
    * New presets
    XILS 3 v 1.0.2 20 juil. 2009 Windows
    _ No more plops and clicks when changing presets
    _ After touch level didn't work correctly: fixed
    _ Pitch tracker snap didn't work correctly: fixed
    Acheter XILS 3 en ligne chez:
    Acheter XILS 3 près de Columbus, United States chez:

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