WireTap Anywhere

Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 2.0.0
Format App
Compatibilité WireTap AnywhereMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $129  /  119€
Mis à jour le 23 nov. 2010
Téléchargements 1 233
Télécharg. Mac 1 233

Grabber audio

WireTap Anywhere est un nouvel outil permettant de récupérer l'audio émis par n'importe quelle application ou source matérielle reliée au Mac et de la diriger vers une autre application comme par exemple votre séquenceur favori.
Mac OS X version 10.5 and QuickTime 7.0 or later
WireTap Anywhere WireTap Anywhere v 2.0.0 23 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • New device editor allowing full control over mapping source channels to output channels

  • Ability to adjust input levels and output levels on the WireTap Anywhere device

  • Ability to control the number of channels for your WireTap Anywhere device

  • Ability to enable previewing of a device to hear the results
  • Ambrosia Software WireTap Anywhere WireTap Anywhere v 1.0.8 11 juin 2010 MacOS X UB
    * Fixed the capture "All Devices" option in the WireTapped Devices menu
    * Fixed a bug where device changes did not take effect until WireTap Anywhere was relaunched
    Ambrosia Software WireTap Anywhere v 1.0.6 22 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Includes latest AmbrosiaAudioSupport kext (3.2) that loads properly on 10.4 PPC systems.
    * Improved compatibility
    * Fixed a drawing glitch in the input meters
    * Other fixes and enhancements
    application WireTap Anywhere v 1.0.5 31 août 2009 MacOS X UB
    This update brings Snow Leopard compatibility, amongst other fixes and improvements.
    telecharger WireTap Anywhere v 1.0.4 10 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Updated WireTap Studio to the latest version of LAME (3.98-2)
    * Updated AmbrosiaAudioSupport library to improve compatibility with new Apple hardware and Mac OS X 10.5.7
    * Snapz Pro X now offers improved reliability and flexibility when saving and converting video files
    mac WireTap Anywhere v 1.0.2 24 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • - The ability to mute software sources during a recording

  • -- Speed optimizations (loading time and overhead)
    -- Additional down-mixing capabilities
    -- Other fixes and enhancements
    Ambrosia Software
    Acheter WireTap Anywhere près de Columbus, United States chez:

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