
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.9.5
Format AUVST
Compatibilité PhoscyonMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $64  /  59€
Mis à jour le 15 janv. 2015
Téléchargements 2 244
Télécharg. Mac 1 805
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.9.5
Format VST
Compatibilité PhoscyonWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $64  /  59€
Mis à jour le 15 janv. 2015
Téléchargements 2 244
Télécharg. PC 439

Synthétiseur de basses

Phoscyon est un synthétiseur de basse à modélisation analogique avec un filtre passe bas unique reproduisant les sonorités d'un authentique filre analogique. Phoscyon est aussi équipé d'un arpégiateur entièrement personnalisable, et d'un effet de distorsion.
10.7.x, 10.8.x, 10.9.x, 10.10.x
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
Phoscyon Phoscyon v 1.9.5 15 janv. 2015 MacOS X UB
Following general fixes and changes have been made within new versions:

Providing compatibility with current (at the day) operating systems and host applications
Changing locations of default settings file and License Key file. (Now these are kept on system's user level instead of system level)
Minor look and feel changes
Several fixes for major and minor known bugs
Changing minimal required OS version to Mac OS X 10.7 for Mac users and Windows 7 for PC users

And product specific changes; LuSH-101:

Fixed Multiout issue under Sonar

Changes made in all Drum Machine plug-ins:

Native mode playback control with Midi keyboard added
Quick step edition (accented step with Ctrl/Shift keys or right mouse button) added
Fixed corrupted Drum map when was user defined and no file selected
Fixed Trigger output number recall problem
Fixed Default pattern bank recall problem
Contrast has been changed for some visual controls to provide better readability in Drumazon
Number of outputs increased from 12 to 16 in Nepheton

Changes in Phoscyon:

Fixed Start button double clicking issue
D16 Group Phoscyon Phoscyon v 1.9.0 28 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB
Native 32 bit and 64 bit versions are provided. For PC we have separate VST 32bit and 64bit versions and for Mac we have universal 32/64 bit version.
New preset browser with improved functionality.
More flexible and easy-to-use options control configuration.
Redesigned MidiCC control including improved Midi Learn mode and assigns management.
Fixed some major and minor bugs and compatibility issues.
D16 Group Phoscyon v 1.8 15 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB

  • First official AudioUnit version.

  • Full compatibility with Snow Leopard (Mac OSX 10.6.x).

  • Start/Stop functionality in internal sequencer.

  • Shuffle (swing) parameters. First one is global shuffle used

  • when arpeggiator is used and the second shuffle is stored
    in pattern memory.
  • Accent velocity level settings.

  • Oscillator tuning settings.

  • Midi learn functionality compliant with other d16 plugins.

  • Preset management functionality compliant with other d16 plugins.

  • Default settings and resources options.

  • Options menu compliant with other d16 plugins.


    * Playing Modes changes:
    - Removal of some old modes (external mode with gates,
    accents and slides triggered by single notes, patt buffer mode).
    - New native mode (with pattern chains) is present.
    - Improvements in Host Mode.
    - Improvements in External Mode.

    * Internal Sequencer:
    - Note Off Clear and Self Reset attributes are no longer stored per
    single pattern (now they are stored globally per project)
    - Shuffle and Tempo have been added to pattern memory.
    - Improvements in pattern management.
    - Improvements in Tempo edition.
    - Improvements in pattern Length Mode.
    - Improvements in interpretation of steps with no Gate.
    - Improvements in Randomizer.
    - Patterns filenaming has changed. Patterns are now stored in xml files.

    * Synthesis:
    - Improvement in square waveform.
    - Improvement in envelope generator.
    - Improvement accent to resonance dependence.
    - Tuning parameter range.

    * Other:
    - Improvements in Arpeggiator.
    - Presets have been expanded with arpeggiator parameters.
    - Presets filenaming has changed. Presets are now stored in xml files.
    - Update of factory presets & patterns.


  • All known bugs have been fixed.
  • analogique Phoscyon v 1.6 31 mai 2007 MacOS X UB
  • updated and improved GUI

  • improved oscillators (alias-free synthesis)
  • synth Phoscyon v 1.5.7 11 janv. 2007 MacOS X UB
    Phoscyon Phoscyon v 1.9.5 15 janv. 2015 Windows
    Following general fixes and changes have been made within new versions:

    Providing compatibility with current (at the day) operating systems and host applications
    Changing locations of default settings file and License Key file. (Now these are kept on system's user level instead of system level)
    Minor look and feel changes
    Several fixes for major and minor known bugs
    Changing minimal required OS version to Mac OS X 10.7 for Mac users and Windows 7 for PC users

    And product specific changes; LuSH-101:

    Fixed Multiout issue under Sonar

    Changes made in all Drum Machine plug-ins:

    Native mode playback control with Midi keyboard added
    Quick step edition (accented step with Ctrl/Shift keys or right mouse button) added
    Fixed corrupted Drum map when was user defined and no file selected
    Fixed Trigger output number recall problem
    Fixed Default pattern bank recall problem
    Contrast has been changed for some visual controls to provide better readability in Drumazon
    Number of outputs increased from 12 to 16 in Nepheton

    Changes in Phoscyon:

    Fixed Start button double clicking issue
    D16 Group Phoscyon Phoscyon v 1.9.0 28 févr. 2012 Windows
    Native 32 bit and 64 bit versions are provided. For PC we have separate VST 32bit and 64bit versions and for Mac we have universal 32/64 bit version.
    New preset browser with improved functionality.
    More flexible and easy-to-use options control configuration.
    Redesigned MidiCC control including improved Midi Learn mode and assigns management.
    Fixed some major and minor bugs and compatibility issues.
    D16 Group Phoscyon v 1.8 15 févr. 2010 Windows

  • First official AudioUnit version.

  • Full compatibility with Snow Leopard (Mac OSX 10.6.x).

  • Start/Stop functionality in internal sequencer.

  • Shuffle (swing) parameters. First one is global shuffle used

  • when arpeggiator is used and the second shuffle is stored
    in pattern memory.
  • Accent velocity level settings.

  • Oscillator tuning settings.

  • Midi learn functionality compliant with other d16 plugins.

  • Preset management functionality compliant with other d16 plugins.

  • Default settings and resources options.

  • Options menu compliant with other d16 plugins.


    * Playing Modes changes:
    - Removal of some old modes (external mode with gates,
    accents and slides triggered by single notes, patt buffer mode).
    - New native mode (with pattern chains) is present.
    - Improvements in Host Mode.
    - Improvements in External Mode.

    * Internal Sequencer:
    - Note Off Clear and Self Reset attributes are no longer stored per
    single pattern (now they are stored globally per project)
    - Shuffle and Tempo have been added to pattern memory.
    - Improvements in pattern management.
    - Improvements in Tempo edition.
    - Improvements in pattern Length Mode.
    - Improvements in interpretation of steps with no Gate.
    - Improvements in Randomizer.
    - Patterns filenaming has changed. Patterns are now stored in xml files.

    * Synthesis:
    - Improvement in square waveform.
    - Improvement in envelope generator.
    - Improvement accent to resonance dependence.
    - Tuning parameter range.

    * Other:
    - Improvements in Arpeggiator.
    - Presets have been expanded with arpeggiator parameters.
    - Presets filenaming has changed. Presets are now stored in xml files.
    - Update of factory presets & patterns.


  • All known bugs have been fixed.
  • analogique Phoscyon v 1.6 31 mai 2007 Windows
  • updated and improved GUI

  • improved oscillators (alias-free synthesis)
  • D16 Group
    Acheter Phoscyon près de , United States chez:

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