Added VST3 support.
Implemented color scheme editor with load and save functions.
Added "Brown" and "White" color schemes.
Redesigned the infrastructure controls.
* The "D2 Ph Inv" (delay 2 phase inversion) switch added.
* The "No Multi-Channel Operation" global switch was added that fixes incompatibility with some non-VST2.3 compliant VST hosts.
* Beeper's "Period" parameter's minimal value is now 1 second.
* "Radial" knob mode can be now disabled completely.
* "Off-Line Render" indication added.
* Knob read-outs now require a single click for keyboard entry.
* Occasional crashes in WaveLab and other hosts fixed.
* Host sample rate switch-related problem fixed.
* Minor visual improvements implemented.
* Plug-in initial loading time reduced.
* The "VST Function Sync" global switch was added that fixes crashes in some hosts (i.e. Tracktion).
* Parameter automation on AU Mac OS X now shows real parameter values.
* Preset "update" function implemented in the preset manager.
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