
Categorie Production Audio / Expérimental
Format AppVST
Compatibilité UsineWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $39 - $119
38€ - 115€
Mis à jour le 11 sept. 2012
Téléchargements 4 940
Télécharg. PC 4 940

Environnement audio orienté live

Usine est un logiciel audio spécialement conçu par des musiciens et des ingénieurs du son pour répondre aux problèmes spécifiques qu'ils rencontrent dans de nombreux domaines comme le sampling live, le traitement d'effets ou le sound design. Usine est un réel instrument musical, flexible et puissant si vous aimez transformer, resampler le son sur scène, improviser et créer des effets inhabituels.

Usine est un logiciel orienté patch permettant d'assembler facilement différents modules ou plug-ins.
Windows xp/vista/seven config mini :au moins 512 Mb de RAM, Intel Celeron, Pentium4 ou AMD à1.8 GHz, a Centrino 1.2 GHz ou équivalent, 40 GB HD,1024×768 de résolution
Usine Usine v 11 sept. 2012 Windows

step by step mode added in the Piano Roll synchro to play midifiles step by step.
Option to disable PANIC codes sent to Midi outputs. See Global Setup.
better buffering system for audio files in the sequencer

fixed bugs

various loading issues with strings.
Get SMPTE Position doesn’t work in IB fullscreen mode.
Sensomusic Usine Usine v 13 juin 2012 Windows
  • new Matrix Seq Groove ii patch

  • fixed bugs
  • midi learn on Channel Aftertouch doesn’t work properly

  • VST export doesn’t work properly since the []
  • Sensomusic Usine v 29 mai 2012 Windows
  • Nouveau module de filtre Linkwitz-Riley

  • Nouveau module d' égalisation Paramétrique

  • Meilleure intégration des dispositifs Mackie-Control hardware
  • logiciel Usine v 5.50.8011 25 avril 2012 Windows

    new Linkwitz-Riley filter module
    new Parametric EQ module
    better Mackie-Control hardware devices integration
    orient Usine v 5.50.8006 29 mars 2012 Windows
    Améliorations :

  • Nouveau Looper-rc51 dans la librairie

  • Nouveau set de layout

  • Nouveau set de templates

  • Les bugs signalés ont tous été fixés
  • audio Usine v 5.80.022 11 janv. 2012 Windows
  • Nouvelle gestion OSC avec le nouveau module OSC Lister .

  • Sélection de points plus précis dans le module curve with points ; nouvelle option de tolérance.

  • une meilleure implémentation du Zero Crossing dans le module Sampler.

  • Meilleure synchronisation entre UsineVST et l\'host

  • Nouvel oscilloscope audio dans la bibliothèque de patch.

  • Nouveau patch Smooth Freeze .

  • Nouveau patchAuto freezz

  • Nouveau patch Rec

  • Nouveau patchDJ Scratcher

  • Nouveau sub-patch A (Attack)

  • Nouveau sub-patch R (Release)

  • Patch Forward Reverse amélioré.

  • Stockage du pack de Matrix par Martin Fleurent dans les patch est plus léger.
  • telecharger Usine v 5.50.80 3 janv. 2012 Windows

    easy OSC management with the new OSC Lister module
    the Matrix Pack by Martin Fleurent storage in patches is now lighter
    new Oscilloscope Audio in the patch library
    more accurate point selection in Curve of Points module; new select tolerance option
    a better Zero Crossing implementation in the Sampler module
    new Smooth Freeze in the patch library
    new Auto freezz in the patch library
    new Rec on the fly in the patch library
    new DJ Scratcher in the patch library
    new sub-patch module A (Attack)
    new sub-patch module R (Release)
    better synchro between UsineVST and hosts

    fixed bugs

    bad calculation of real and imaginary parts in FFT forward FFT inverse modules.
    various memory issues and crashes solved in the Matrix Pack by Martin Fleurent
    various display bugs in master grid mode (see Grid, Rack, All or Master?)
    the latency of Usine VST is now reported to the host
    mac Usine v 5.70.036 7 déc. 2011 Windows
    the Matrix Pack by Martin Fleurent storage in patches is now lighter
    new Oscilloscope Audio library patch
    more accurate point selection in Curve of Points module; new select tolerance option

    fixed bugs
    bad calculation of real and imaginary parts in FFT forward FFT inverse modules.
    various memory issues and crashes solved in the Matrix Pack by Martin Fleurent
    windows Usine v 5.70.035 29 nov. 2011 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • the HID Device module doesn't work properly.
  • macintosh Usine v 5.70.034 16 nov. 2011 Windows
    Improvements - added a new couple of lines in the control panel layout to adjust the size of the ON/OFF button - new global "pre listen level" fader in the Setup/Audio Out/

    fixed bugs - various bugs in the Conductor module, when loading at the startup.
    pc Usine v 5.70.032 18 oct. 2011 Windows
    Fixed bugs

    various display details in the Draw Objects XY panel
    Usine v 5.70.031 12 oct. 2011 Windows
    Fixed bugs

    sometime, conductor values aren't properly recalled when the fade time is greater than 0
    Usine v 5.70.030 30 sept. 2011 Windows

    New synchro modes in the Piano Roll, Sampler, Grain Sampler
    loop on bar: played entirely as in loop mode, and then, at the end, restarts at the beginning of the next bar.
    loop on beat: played entirely as in loop mode, and then, at the end, restarts at the beginning of the next beat.
    DBAP Panner 2D and Quadratic distance 2D work now with array as input.
    better Compressor

    fixed bugs
    Usine v 5.70.029 26 sept. 2011 Windows

    improvement of the gesture engine.
    new pan gestures: up, down, left, right bi points (see Getting Gesture Info)

    fixed bugs

    the Random Midi module doesn't work properly in play button mode
    single short click, single long click gestures now works
    Usine v 5.70.026 10 sept. 2011 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • various issues on Conductor recall of User's modules.

  • CPU overload in Formant filter
  • Usine v 5.70.025 24 août 2011 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • various issues on Conductor recall of User's modules.

  • CPU overload in Formant filter
  • Usine v 5.70 12 août 2011 Windows
  • Usine Stage

  • Un nouveau produit appelé Usine Stage a été créée, cette version se situe entre la version gratuite et la version pro:

    8 pistes et 8 patchs par pistes
    16 entrées /sorties audio
    8 entrées /sorties midi
    OSC, édition des sub-patchs
    prix = 39€

  • Piste Master

  • Vous avez maintenant la possibilité de définir une piste comme piste master. Toutes les pistes seront envoyées vers l'entrée de cette piste, vous pouvez alors facilement ajouter des effets master qui seront appliqués à tous les patchs actifs. Notez que plusieurs pistes master peuvent être actives en même temps!

  • Créer un VST

  • Avec cette version vous pouvez exporter votre workspace en application autonome ou créer un VST (une dll). Ainsi, vous pouvez partager un pack re-distribuable et libre de redevances de vos créations.

    Ce pack inclut tous les fichiers patchs, les modules additionnels et une version entièrement fonctionnelle d' Usine appelé Usine Reader.

  • Conductor

  • Le Conductors est maintenant plus léger, plus rapide et plus fluide.

    Possibilité de stocker les paramètres VST dans le conducteur (option dans le panneau principal).
    Rappel progressif des presets comprenant tous les contrôles, les array, steps et module matrix.
    Nouveau fader de fondu enchaîné pour passer d'une ligne à l'autre de manière progressive.

  • Multilingue

  • Bonne nouvelle pour les utilisateurs d'Usine à travers le monde, Usine est désormais multilingue (Anglais, Français, Espagnol et Allemand disponible pour le moment).

    Merci à toute la La communauté d'Usine pour son aide précieuse.

  • Matrice

  • Nouveau module Matrix - Audio Mix pour router plusieurs sources vers plusieurs sorties audio (jusqu'à 16×16)
    Nouveau module Matrix - Midi Mix pour router plusieurs sources midi vers plusieurs sorties midi (jusqu'à 16×16)
    Nouveau module Matrix - Data Mix pour router plusieurs sources de données vers plusieurs sorties (jusqu'à 16×16)
    Le module Matrix (set or display) a été améliorée afin de fonctionner avec le nouveau conductor (morphing entre les presets)

  • Module Granulator

  • Nouveau module audio Granulator qui crée des grains audio depuis une source audio entrante avec un feedback visuel de l'enveloppe du grain. Nous avons pris une attention particulière à la qualité audio, probablement l'un des meilleurs que vous trouverez (5 points d'interpolation).

  • Améliorations

  • Nouveau module Always calculated pour forcer le patch actuel à être calculé même si le moteur audio / la piste est désactivée.
    Nouveau moduleCurrent Patch Settings,pour définir ou obtenir plus d'informations sur le patch actuel. En mode sub-patchs, ce module permet de modifier en temps réel la polyphonie.
    Nouveau Get CommaText Multi disponible en tant que script.
    Nouvelle option fast mode pour le module OSC Receive pour une réception plus rapide et totale des messages d'OSC.
    Nouveau module Setup pour accéder directement aux options du setup dans un patch.
    Nouveau module Web Browser pour afficher des pages internet directement dans votre workspace.
    Nouveau module Math modules sign .
    Nouveau module Selector string
    Le module Get Url File est maintenant géré par thread pour une réponse plus rapide.
    Ajout d'un fonction indice dans la fenêtre principale.
    Nouvelle option inverse dans le panneau Midi Learn & Key Learn pour inverser le comportement d'un fader.

  • Surround

  • Usine est probablement l'un des meilleur hôte de traitement audio surround.

    amélioration du traitement multi-canal: tous les bus audio sont désormais de 32 canaux.
    amélioration du Surround Pack par Hervé Birolini avec beaucoup de nouveaux patchs de surround prêts à l'emploi inclus. Ajout également de puissants scripts de modèle physique. (Bientôt disponible).

  • Layouts

  • La fenêtre de layouts principale a été améliorée. Beaucoup de nouveaux layouts, prêts à l'emploi sont disponibles. (merci à 23fx23 Plusieurs nouvelles options ont été ajoutées:

    stay on top, pour mettre les contrôles au niveau supérieur du panneau parent ( par dessus les autres contrôles)
    not saved in conductor, not saved in presets visible à présent dans le fenêtre layout.
    captions font settings (bold, italic, underline) Nouveaux réglages de police de caractère.
    nouveau design plus ergonomique.

  • Librairie

  • nouveau DJ XY Hold
    nouveau the Nose II a filter effect
    nouveau Sergio Slicer III, the master piece in live slicing
    nouveau Envelop Gain Modifier a realtime gain modifier patch
    nouveau Scratcher an auto scratcher
    nouveau 3 Bands Filter
    amélioration du Compressor
    amélioration du Grain Engine x1, créée avec le nouveau moduleGranulator.

  • Bugs fixés

  • Tous les bugs connus sont à présent fixés.

    [module] la valeur du module toggle n'etait pas correctement stockée..
    [remote] le mode de synchro ON/OFF globale midi mode n'était pas correctement stockée.
    [module] keyboard : les valeurs des touches ctrl, alt, shift n'était pas remis à jour correctement.
    Usine v 5.50.58 7 juin 2011 Windows
    [Module] new GetURLFile to retrieve a file from Internet
    [IML] new GET_COMMATEXT instruction

    fixed bugs
  • [preset] error loading a preset manager in a poly sub-patch
  • Usine v 5.50.55 7 avril 2011 Windows
  • [library] new DJ delay II patch

  • [library] new DJ Hold patch

  • [usine] Midi learn are memorized during the apply polyphony operation

  • fixed bugs
  • [modules] strange behavior of the math/logical operators led output

  • [modules] fadein is applied sampler in midi mode

  • [usine VST] the Midi In module doesn't work properly
  • Usine v 5.50.521 17 mars 2011 Windows
  • [module] new Formant Filter module

  • [module] new multichannel crossFader module

  • [library] new version of Bit Crusher

  • [library] new version of Reverse

  • [library] new DJ FX pack (contains 7 special DJ FX)

  • [module] optimisation of the delay module (2x faster)

  • [module] new ramp module. The old version of the ramp is maintained for compatibility.

  • [module] sampler : new "long filename" outlet

  • fixed bugs
  • [module] the keyboard module doesn't work properly

  • [module] bad initialisation of the 1-X module

  • [module] bad initialisation of the delta module

  • [conductor/preset] some time you're obliged to press the recall button twice

  • notes
  • on this version some conductor/preset lines on array's and steps modules aren't

  • recalled properly and you're are obliged to press recall two times.
    This bug will be solved if you resave your presets/conductor lines.

    fixed bugs
  • [remote] the midimode combobox value is not properly strored

  • [grain] the speed parameter doesn't appear in the module
  • Usine v 5.50.52 14 mars 2011 Windows
  • [module] new Formant Filter module

  • [module] new multichannel crossFader module

  • [library] new version of Bit Crusher

  • [library] new version of Reverse

  • [library] new DJ FX pack (contains 7 special DJ FX)

  • [module] optimisation of the delay module (2x faster)

  • [module] new ramp module. The old version of the ramp is maintained for compatibility.

  • [module] sampler : new "long filename" outlet

  • fixed bugs
  • [module] the keyboard module doesn't work properly

  • [module] bad initialisation of the 1-X module

  • [module] bad initialisation of the delta module

  • [conductor/preset] some time you're obliged to press the recall button twice

  • notes
  • on this version some conductor/preset lines on array's and steps modules aren't

  • recalled properly and you're are obliged to press recall two times.
    This bug will be solved if you resave your presets/conductor lines.

    fixed bugs
  • [remote] the midimode combobox value is not properly strored

  • [grain] the speed parameter doesn't appear in the module
  • Usine v 5.50.45 1 mars 2011 Windows
  • [sampler] the value of the pitch in sampler/grain sampler modules is now unlimited

  • [module] new ArcTan math module

  • [library] new version of Freez

  • [library] new version of Clock Beat

  • [library] new Pitch Delay patch

  • [library] new Sampler with Speed Button patch

  • [Midi to Usine] num virtual inlet created.

  • [dashboard Module] "Reset all Midi devices" inlet created

  • [setup] "Reset all Midi devices" button added, in Midi in and Midi out panels

  • [module] Open Dialog (to get a file name) created.

  • fixed bugs
  • [usine] sometime midi learn are lost on undo/redo in sub patches

  • [vst] various buses issues in the VST version

  • [sequencer] chaotic marker selection...

  • notes
  • the structure of midi-learns has changed and all of them will be lost.

  • The good news is that, the new implementation is more efficient and stable.
    Usine v 5.50.40 23 févr. 2011 Windows
  • More efficient panic button.

  • [sampler] the gain inlet is now smoothed to avoid audio clicks (on fast modifications)

  • [conductor] the selected track is no longer modified during a conductor recall

  • fixed bugs
  • [pianoroll] various display bugs.

  • [pianoroll] some copy/cut bugs solved

  • [sampler] an artefact can occur the first time a sound is played.

  • [Easine VST] is 2xin 2xout
  • Usine v 5.50 7 févr. 2011 Windows
  • [touch screen] contact surface informations

  • [patching] polyphony for sub-patches

  • [module] mapper data up to 256 value

  • [interface] new color selector window

  • [library] new grain engine FX

  • [library] new Reverse FX

  • [keylearn] allows now multiple keypressed at the same time

  • trace OSC out messages

  • [midi learn] soft take over implemented: option in the setup.

  • [module] new X-1 module

  • [module] new BLOC DURATION module

  • fixed bugs
  • [VST] the mouse module doesn't work

  • [grain sampler] various looping issues in play button mode
  • Usine v 5.25k 17 déc. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • [usineFree] the remote update (send midi out) doesn't work in UsineFree
  • Usine v 5.25j 8 nov. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • [usine] bad initialization of the HID device module

  • [usine] The inlet color of the knob module doesn't work

  • [usine] memory crash in the AUdio Mixer on recall preset
  • Usine v 5.25i 19 oct. 2010 Windows
  • [usine] hard memory crash in the Grain module

  • [usine] hard memory crash in the Freez Event module

  • [usine] hard memory crash at the start up of Usine when the Asio BLOC Size <> 128
  • Usine v 5.25f 12 oct. 2010 Windows
    fixed bugs
  • [sequencer] sometime the first notes of a midi file are not played definitively solved.

  • [VST version] "no SPlib dll feature was found in the waterfall procedure" during scanning of VST folder
  • Usine v 5.25e 6 oct. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • [sequencer] sometime the first notes of a midi file are not played definitively solved.

  • [VST version] "no SPlib dll feature was found in the waterfall procedure" during scanning of VST folder
  • Usine v 5.25d 30 sept. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • [global Synchro] sometime the first notes of a sequence are not played when the Auto Restart option is enabled.

  • [conductor] sometime the last line can't be recalled

  • [conductor] the paste bank command doesn't work

  • [sequencer] the SendAllNotesOff sent at the beginning of a patch can cause troubles.
  • Usine v 5.25c 26 sept. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • [sequencer] sometime the first notes of a midi file are not played.

  • [VST version] bad sample rate initialization
  • Usine v 5.25 16 sept. 2010 Windows
    Probably the most important update since the v5. It contains many important improvements.
    The beta test phase is now finished. All reported bugs are fixed.

  • Aiff sound files compatible

  • Zero crossing is active now in the sampler during the recording process, if the option is activated.

  • better audio quality and synchro in the Grain Generator module

  • new on/off parameter in the send bus module

  • Midi-learn is now allowed on all the buttons of the navigation bar in IB mode

  • better size adjustment when moving/resizing controls.

  • new browser/Add-ons design

  • new protect mode as hidden string

  • better Audio to Midi (pitch tracker) sub-patch

  • new Active Line Number module, to get the selected line in the grid

  • new navigation bar design (IB mode)

  • new Midi Expand voices Midi Tool script

  • new Math/Bit Operators OR, AND, XOR, NOT, SHL, SHR available as scripts

  • new improved Random Law Generator sub-patch

  • new options in the global IB "maximize if ON (Grid & IB)" and "maximize if ON (IB only)"

  • Usine graphic engine is globally twice faster.

  • scripts take less memory

  • audio protection in the Filter module to prevent instability

  • new target parameter in the mouse module

  • new SET_LAYOUT instruction in the IML

  • new FaderColor Module.

  • in the Sequenced Pianoroll, we can now scroll the cursor position.

  • array's input in the XPpad module

  • the internal help form has a Minimize button

  • set array parameter in the random module

  • inverse Y axis option in the layout of XYPad

  • various design improvements

  • array's input in the Draw Objects module

  • up to 128 objects in the Draw Objects module

  • new layout option to draw connexions between objects in the Draw Objects module

  • parameter type ptPointerBitMap, ptPointer, ptLed added in scripts

  • array's parameters are saved automatically in scripts except if SetDontNeedSave is called

  • new 1-X and X+1 math modules

  • new window parameter in the grain sampler module

  • the Delay module sounds better.

  • new Compile&Init and Compile&Reload menus for scripts

  • few new IML instructions: PAUSE, CREATE_UID, GET_CAPTION

  • VST Randomizor template added

  • fixed bugs
  • the Drag & Drop doesn't work in the sequencer

  • various Drag & Drop issues in grid mode

  • several important bugs in the VSTRandomizor script

  • hard bug when updating VST parameter's list

  • the SetVariableString doesn't work properly in scripts.

  • various bugs in the random data module

  • various glitches issues in the VST version

  • problems storing Midi-learn's after copy/past of a sub-patch.

  • problems with negative numbers in the RandomData module

  • the 'edit layout' function is sometime tricky...

  • various graphic refresh problems when the ASIO driver is down

  • small refresh issue in the preset panel on recall

  • sometime Midi/Key learns aren't properly stored in the patch

  • often, the Midi setup is lost...

  • the Midi Sequencer diplicates Midi Events in bar mode

  • various conductor issues with copy/past bank

  • refresh problem when a VST window is reduced as a thumbnail

  • comments
  • the scale parameter of Faders/Knobs is no longer in the layout settings but is now in the module settings (as it use to be in the V4)

  • the color selector is now opened with a double click instead of single click.
  • Usine v 5.25beta12 13 sept. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • the Drag & Drop doesn't work in the sequencer

  • various Drag & Drop issues in grid mode
  • Usine v 5.25beta11 12 sept. 2010 Windows
  • array's input in the XPpad module

  • the internal help form has a Minimize button

  • set array parameter in the random module

  • inverse Y axis option in the layout of XYPad

  • various design improvements

  • fixed bugs
  • several important bugs in the VSTRandomizor script

  • hard bug when updating VST parameter's list

  • the SetVariableString doesn't work properly in scripts.

  • various bugs in the random data module
  • Usine v 5.25beta9 7 sept. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • various glitches issues in the VST version

  • problems storing Midi-learn's after copy/past of a sub-patch.

  • few details corrected.
  • Usine v 5.25beta8 3 sept. 2010 Windows
  • array's input in the Draw Objects module

  • up to 128 objects in the Draw Objects module

  • new layout option to draw connexions between objects in the Draw Objects module

  • parameter type ptPointerBitMap, ptPointer, ptLed added in scripts

  • array's parameters are saved automatically in scripts except if SetDontNeedSave is called

  • new 1-X and X+1 math modules

  • new window parameter in the grain sampler module

  • fixed bugs
  • all reported bugs fixed.

  • audio glitches in the VST version
  • Usine v 5.25beta5 14 août 2010 Windows
  • Aiff sound files compatible

  • Zero crossing is active now in the sampler during the recording process, if the option is activated.

  • better audio quality and synchro in the Grain Generator module

  • new on/off parameter in the send bus module

  • Midi-learn is now allowed on all the buttons of the navigation bar in IB mode

  • better size adjustment when moving/resizing controls.

  • new browser/Add-ons design

  • new protect mode as hidden string

  • better Audio to Midi (pitch tracker) sub-patch

  • new Active Line Number module, to get the selected line in the grid

  • new navigation bar design (IB mode)

  • new Midi Expand voices Midi Tool script

  • new Math/Bit Operators OR, AND, XOR, NOT, SHL, SHR available as scripts

  • new improved Random Law Generator sub-patch

  • new options in the global IB "maximize if ON (Grid & IB)" and "maximize if ON (IB only)"

  • Usine graphic engine is globally twice faster.

  • Scripts take less memory

  • audio protection in the Filter module to prevent instability

  • new target parameter in the mouse module

  • new SET_LAYOUT instruction in the IML

  • new FaderColor Module.

  • in the Sequenced Pianoroll, we can now scroll the cursor position.


    fixed bugs
  • problems with negative numbers in the RandomData module

  • the 'edit layout' function is sometime tricky...

  • various graphic refresh problems when the ASIO driver is down

  • small refresh issue in the preset panel on recall

  • sometime Midi/Key learns aren't properly stored in the patch

  • often, the Midi setup is lost...

  • the Midi Sequencer diplicates Midi Events in bar mode

  • various conductor issues with copy/past bank

  • refresh problem when a VST window is reduced as a thumbnail

  • comments
  • the scale parameter of Faders/Knobs is no longer in the layout settings but is now in the module settings (as it use to be in the V4)

  • the color selector is now opened with a double click instead of single click.
  • Usine v 5.17 4 juin 2010 Windows
  • master output soft clipping option in the setup.

  • midi learn is allowed on curve settings of the sequencer.

  • caption font size option in the ControlPanel layout.

  • after an IB reorganisation panels are now in track order

  • new SendInternalMessage procedure in scripts

  • fixed bugs
  • GetSmptePos, SetSmptePos and GetLoopMarkerPos is missing in Script

  • the main IB is not cleared properly

  • we can't use several send Midi to Usine module at the same time

  • various curve setting bugs in the sequencer

  • various display bugs
  • Usine v 5.16 11 mai 2010 Windows
  • new parameter inlet in the ShellCommand module

  • fixed bugs
  • sysex are not sent to mini output

  • the GetArrayLength function is missing in the script.

  • bad initialization of the 2-4 surround panner

  • impossible to record master inputs (direct to disk)
  • Usine v 5.15 15 avril 2010 Windows
  • Usine is now 20% faster

  • PitchBend midilearn allowed

  • new Buses templates

  • better zooming in the sequencer

  • better zooming in the pianoroll

  • new object panel settings in the sequencer

  • mp3 files are now converted and stored for a faster reloading

  • new MouseDown outlet in faders, buttons, etc.

  • new OFFcaption parameter in Switch module

  • fixed bugs
  • midi learn on preset buttons can freeze Usine

  • various more or less important bugs.

  • MidiYoke issues
  • Usine v 5.13b 25 mars 2010 Windows
    Important details corrected on the v5.12beta.
    This version fixes most of reported bugs and implement new important features.
    Can be considered as the first "service pack" of the V5 and because of all the changes It is still a beta version.
    Download highly recommended.

    fixed bugs
  • the midilearn on switches doesn't work properly

  • various Sequencer refresh issues

  • the filter string in the browser can't contain 'space' character

  • improvements
  • new /Crashes folder where are stored last modified patches and log files for an easy recovery after a crash
  • Usine v 5.12 18 mars 2010 Windows
  • You can now send several audio flow in the same Audio Bus.

  • New Analysis/Partial Tracker Module can replace the zero crossing module in the AudioToMidi Patch.

  • new perfect synchro option in the setup and globally a better synchro in the sampler.

  • the Audio volume contains a new "Mute" inlet

  • better resampling quality in sampler especially when the pitch is smaller than -2 octaves

  • various GUI details in the sequencer

  • new "unSelect all" menu in the sequencer.

  • You can drop VST's directly in the sequencer

  • improvements on Button module, which now has a max/min value

  • New internal help window.

  • the On Activation module works when the position reaches the beginning of the patch in the sequencer.

  • fixed bugs
  • almost all cameras incompatibility issues in the Video Detect Module DX

  • the sequencer insert patch control panel is always invisible

  • various VST denormalization bugs

  • no more flicker effect in the Video Detect module

  • graphic Freeze issues in the sequencer.

  • the mouseMove now works in Sequenced Switches module

  • various bitmap chaining issues

  • the 'find in patch' command doesn't work in the Free version

  • the last character is truncated in osc tag 's'

  • new Midi-Arpeggiator script

  • various reported bugs

  • Thanks to all beta testers for their help.
    Usine v 5.10 7 mars 2010 Windows
  • new Video Tracker Module using DirectShow layer. More efficient.

  • color inlets have now a different color

  • 'OFF-line' wiki/help system

  • new Option 'Conductor isolate' in patches and sub-patches. To isolate parameters from a conductor recall.

  • fixed bugs
  • lines, steps, switches and curve modules give an error and won't load when choosing 128 faders

  • the position of the ball in XY module is not stored in the conductor

  • logical operators now work with array's

  • preset Isolate enabled for a sub-patches does not save

  • the aux input of the additional Input module doesn't work

  • few other details
  • Usine v 5.08 25 févr. 2010 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • VST version : various hard crash bugs at the start-up

  • VST version : New VST setup panel

  • VST version : the VST buffer size can be adjusted in the setup

  • USER modules aren't correctly initialized

  • under XP : some troubles with the double click in touch-screen mode.

  • Few other details

  • improvements
  • Sub-Patches Control Panels location can be set to IB
  • Usine v 5.06 21 févr. 2010 Windows
    Various bugs fixed.
    you can skip this update, especially if you don't use the VST version.

    fixed bugs
  • VST version : various hard crash bugs at the start-up

  • VST version : some threading problems can produce audio glitches

  • The demo is not included in the package

  • The Video Capture can Freeze Usine on repaint.
  • Usine v 5.01 17 févr. 2010 Windows
    The V5 contains more than 300 improvements and modifications, especially a new engine, more powerful and lighter.
    Here are presented some of the most interesting :

  • Gesture and Multi-touch Implementation.

  • All design modules can receive Multi-Touch and Gesture informations that you can use directly in all the patches to create very ergonomic systems.

  • Video Tracker Module.

  • Enables audio interaction with a camera. Motion detection, dark zones and light zones.

  • Intelligent Auto Wiring

  • Fast auto wiring system to build patches faster than ever... For that just Drag&Drop a Module or a VST directly on the wire to insert it in the process chain.

  • New Grid concept

  • The new Grid mode mixes row/cell presentation and interface builder mode.

  • Surround

  • Built-in 16 channels surround mixer and aux buses. If it's not enough, all audio modules can handle up to 64 channels.
    Direct surround recording in the Sampler.

  • VST's layouts

  • Total integration of VST's in personal interfaces. Vst's forms can now be located in controls panels or in interfaces.

  • Patch window

  • The Patching area is now a stand alone window to improve paching in dual screens systems.

  • New layouts

  • Serious improvements of interface building. All controls are now resizable and with new layouts possiblilities.
    Usine v 4.22h 14 nov. 2009 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • bad filename assignment in load/save patch/workspace modules.

  • delete Grid Line doesn't work properly

  • insert Grid Line doesn't work properly

  • strange correlation between the zoom in the sequencer zoom and the master synchro...

  • improvements
  • faster clear workspace operation
  • Usine v 4.22f 3 nov. 2009 Windows
    fixed bugs
  • save problems in the "channel" parameter of the create midi module

  • [4.22e]
    fixed bugs
  • small bug in the channel parameter of the create midi module

  • the grain sampler now works in ìloop+nextî sample

  • improvements
  • the max number of vVST parameters in now 1024

  • small synchro problem with the Molar VST

  • new "Midi Unpack" script.
  • Usine v 4.22d 30 juin 2009 Windows
    Intermediate update. You can skip it if everything works on you system, but this version has better performances for high CPU load.

  • better process scheduling in high CPU load situations

  • better scrolling effect in the Global Interface Builder

  • fixed bugs
  • no more display flutter in the filter module
  • Usine v 4.22a 5 juin 2009 Windows
    Recommended update
  • solve a important audio Freeze bug.

  • Implementation of a new SDK (thanks to Martin Fleurent). We anticipate on the futures versions of Usine

  • and the new SDK will be compatible with next versions.

  • New C++ SDK v3. Most of user modules have been rewritten with the new SDK to ensure a forward compatibility

  • logical operators now work for array's: returns array's of 0 or 1.

  • new Color modules to translate Usine color into RGB or HSL and inverse.

  • the roll array user module is now included in the package.

  • fully compatible with Windows7 RC

  • fixed bugs
  • the array editor doesn't work properly

  • in the sequencer, sometime the first note of the midi player isn't played.

  • synchro troubles in the sequencer when playing midi loops: the first note can be played twice.

  • various graphic troubles in the sequencer.

  • Usine can randomly freeze few seconds in various situations.

  • various display bugs in sequencer mode.
  • Usine v 4.21b 27 mai 2009 Windows
    recommended download if you use the Interface builder.

    fixed bugs
  • Small bug when Usine receives OSC messages with the Tuio protocol

  • Interface builder scrolling effect when the window is unlocked

  • Bad screen shots of the Interface builder in speed buttons

  • [Usine 4.21]
    Important synchronization bug fixed.

  • better scrolling management in the global interface builder

  • fixed bugs
  • the text size in listbox buttons collection is not stored in the patch

  • the store outlet of the preset manager sends always a 1 value

  • synchronization drift between VST's and Usine internal synchro

  • the Midi Time Code SMPTE synchro doesn't work properly for frame rate greater than 24fps
  • Usine v 4.20 10 mai 2009 Windows
    The first non-beta release!
    Also the free version is available for download.
    Usine free is fully functional except that you can't edit sub-patches and there is no dual core optimization.

  • the delay value in the delay module can be set in number of samples

  • new smooth speed option in the delay module (fast, medium, slow)

  • latency estimation outlet (in number of samples) in the VST plugins. Can be used to create a latency compensation.

  • fixed bugs
  • sometime the remote midi assignations aren't stored in the patch

  • various errors in process midi out messages from midi vst plugins

  • bad refresh background bitmap layout in the SDK

  • slow drift in the pianoroll in 'play button' mode

  • copy/paste errors in the pianoroll
  • Usine v 4.2b8 28 avril 2009 Windows
    Fixed bugs
  • the free memory indicator doesn't work for RAM greater than 2Gb

  • the midi and key learn are not memorized properly

  • various hard memory crash at hi CPU load

  • sometime Usine displays 'Error in process msg'
  • Usine v 4.11b 9 mars 2009 Windows
  • various GUI and refresh issues with load banks & presets in VST's

  • in the sequencer, sometime the first midi note of the file is not played

  • startBarPos VST time info is now correctly updated
  • moins...
    Acheter Usine près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 4.22a, Windows
    J'utilise Usine depuis maintenant presque 3 ans et je dois dire qu'il est devenu petit à petit mon principal outil musical .
    Son évolution est impressionnante et les possibilités de patching semble infinies , boostant constamment mon imagination et ma créativité sur le traitement du son . cette nouvelle version est vraiment de plus en plus légère coté cpu et c'est un vrai plaisir de voir chaque version s'améliorer encore..
    je ne vais pas m'étendre sur toutes les fonctions possible, il me faudrait des pages..
    Mais dans la vie , on croise parfois un bouquin , un album et bien sur des personnes qui changent votre vision des choses , je peux vous dire qu' Usine m'a fait cet effet la sur le plan musical..;-)
    De plus Olivier Sens , concepteur d'Usine est très accueillant et réceptif aux besoins des utilisateurs. Et la communauté est grandissante et très active . Je participe modestement de plus en plus à cette aventure et je vous invite donc chaleureusement à tester cette nouvelle version ...

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