Pure Vinyl

Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 3.1.1a
Format App
Compatibilité Pure VinylMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $229  /  219€
Mis à jour le 27 nov. 2012
Téléchargements 2 616
Télécharg. Mac 2 616

Enregistrement de disques vinyl

- enregistrement
L'application Pure Vinyl Recorder est spécialement conçue pour créer des transcription haute résolution de vos disques vinyl.

- édition/export
Pure Vinyl permet de découper le fichier enregistré et d'assigner des marqueurs afin d'extraire différentes pistes. Toutes les opérations sont non-destructives

- détection de crête / normalisation / suppresseur de pop et clic

- lecture haute qualité avec égaliseur
Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later (including OS X 10.8 / Mountain Lion).
Pure Vinyl Pure Vinyl v 3.1.1a 27 nov. 2012 MacOS X UB
Pure VInyl 3.11a corrects the issue preventing recording if the input and output are different devices, such as when using the computer's built-in audio. This is the only change in 3.11a. If you already have 3.11 and are not using the built-in audio for recording, you do not need to download version 3.11a.
Channel D Software Pure Vinyl Pure Vinyl v 3.1 17 nov. 2012 MacOS X UB
Channel D Software Pure Vinyl v pv3pr5w5 5 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
Improves recording to disk drives with small write caches, avoiding skips, plus editor and vinyl player UI and usability improvements.
vinyl Pure Vinyl v pv3pr5w2 2 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
Features high resolution track editing support and parity with the Music Server features of Pure Music 1.74a. Also corrects a problem with the Preamp selector buttons, preventing non-contiguous inputs from appearing in the main window.
New SPIN button disables the animation of the LP disc, while still showing the play position with the tonearm controller.
The tonearm may be moved to a position on the disk before commencing playback, and play will begin at this place when the Play button is pressed. The waveform display also may be used to precisely guide the stylus "drop" location to a quiet groove between tracks, or to the precise start of a track (the center of the display corresponds to the stylus position).

Known Issues: known issues with the new Editor are listed in that section of the document. An issue with the player is that sometimes when an album gets to the end of the last side, it may fail to "flip" automatically back to side 1.
enregistrement Pure Vinyl v 3pr5u21c 14 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
Performance enhancements, UI improvements. Final preview version before high resolution editing support, which is planned for the next release.
haute Pure Vinyl v pv3pr5u14 9 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Preview Release 5u14 includes many usability improvements and new features.
  • disques Pure Vinyl v 3.0pr5s6 21 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Preview Release 5s6 corrects a problem that could cause rendering of the vinyl cue guide image to stall part way through the process. This problem was determined to be computer speed dependent, so depending on your computer setup, it may or may not have occurred.

  • This release also incorporates the change introduced in Pure Music 1.26 to eliminate crackles when using the Upsampling feature. There is a new check box option for Vinyl Correction (enabled by default) to only apply the correction curves to recordings with (Raw) in the file
    Known issues in 5s6: Rendering of cue guide image for albums recorded containing only one side. These recordings can still be played in Pure Vinyl 3 without the cue guide image. Also, the "More Is Less" and other new features of the iTunes Music Server from Pure Music 1.30 are not incorporated in this release (but will be in the near future).
    telecharger Pure Vinyl v 3.0pr5r 14 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Preview Release 5r improves usability.
  • mac Pure Vinyl v 3.0pr5a 15 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Preview Release 5a includes performance optimizations.

  • Sample rate switching should be more robust now, especially for USB audio interfaces.
    A problem has been corrected that could cause playback of a track from a new playlist to repeat the first few seconds (see notes for Preview 5), and another problem was corrected that could cause stuttering when playing gapless tracks with the Manual Play Position adjustment option enabled. Manual Play Position adjustment should now work just as seamlessly for gapless tracks as it does for single tracks.
    There is still an occasional "boundary value" problem (when reaching the end of the tracks in a gapless playlist, a following track might be skipped over) that is being investigated.
    Additional playback volume dithering options have been enabled/revealed.
    This release also corrects a problem that could disable the multichannel crossover feature.

  • Preview Release 5 fixes problems with skipping and sporadic cessation of playback / communication with iTunes, and a problem that caused the track position to stop updating after playing the first track.

  • iTunes DJ playlist mode is now supported.
    New Hybrid Memory Play mode. See description of options for more information.
    The playhead position can be controlled from iTunes with gapless tracks.
    Memory Play has been redesigned to use more of the available computer memory, especially useful with high definition audio tracks.
    Note: during investigation of the skipping problem, a word length bottleneck (32 bits) was discovered in the audio stream. This occurred at the very last step before sending off the audio to the audio hardware: at the monitor volume setting. Given the position in the audio signal chain, this should not matter with regards to the delivered audio quality. However, to eliminate any uncertainty on that point, the pathway has been "given an angioplasty," with
    the monitor volume setting now applied within the realm of the 64 bit audio chain.
    The music server now ignores the following media types: Videos, Movies, TV Shows and streamed content, including Internet radio and shared iTunes libraries. If you wish to use iTunes shared tracks, the disk volume containing the music must be mounted locally, and the tracks added to your iTunes library. See the Troubleshooting section above for more information.
    A problem relating to setting the initial iTunes volume setting using the Monitor volume as the initial value has been corrected.
    The iTunes connect/disconnect icons now highlight when the mouse is positioned over them.
    Known issues in this release:
  • When changing playlists, the first track played in the new playlist may start playing briefly, then stop and repeat.

  • The track shown as playing in iTunes isn't updated if the playhead is changed using the tonearm controller (Animate mode) when playing gapless tracks.
  • windows Pure Vinyl v 3.0pr4n1 16 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Preview Release 4n1 includes significant performance enhancements.
    macintosh Pure Vinyl v 3.0pr4n 12 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Preview Release 4n includes significant performance enhancements. The recording functions also supersede those in Pure Vinyl Recorder 2.3.
    pc Pure Vinyl v 3.0pr4a 26 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Preview Release 4a includes usability improvements, and optional dithered volume control
    Pure Vinyl v 3.0pr2a 1 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
    New Features (Compared to Preview 1)

    iTunes Music Server:

  • Gapless Playback

  • Dynamic Memory Play

  • Fully use iTunes user interface for all control (Intel processor Macs preferred)

  • Automatic Sample Rate Switching (or optional 64-bit Upsampling)

  • To best use the Animate feature and keep the iTunes controller accessible, set the preferences in iTunes (Advanced tab) to keep the Mini player window on top.

    The Animate feature creates "virtual vinyl" 7" singles (with Memory Play mode enabled) that spin at 45 RPM. Animate mode also permits random seeking within a track (besides track seeking in the iTunes interface).

    CPU usage is lowest with Animate mode disabled and the Pure Vinyl application brought to the front, and is about half the CPU usage (on an Intel Mac) of iTunes (with Upsampling disabled). Audio quality is best with Upsampling enabled (and will require slightly more CPU usage than when iTunes is playing the same track).

    Pure Vinyl:
  • Audio recording is enabled

  • Editing capability was disabled prior to release of this Preview, because an issue was discovered immediately prior to planned release, negatively affecting performance. We are working hard to deliver high-resolution editing for a new software release that will be available very soon. We appreciate your patience in this regard, and you may continue to use the editor in Pure Vinyl 2.3 with CD format files created using the Pure Vinyl sample rate converter (or created as a mirror file during recording).

    Recordings made with Pure Vinyl 3 Preview 2 are compatible with the Pure Vinyl 2.3 editor. Just drag the audio file to the editor window (after launching the Pure Vinyl editor).
    Pure Vinyl v 3pr1 28 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    Fully functional and tested features in this Preview Release:
    * Live vinyl play with RIAA correction
    * Playback of Pure Vinyl Raw (Flat) Vinyl Recordings
    * iTunes Jukebox 64-bit Upsampling Play Mode (New and Much Improved)
    * NetSend
    * Two-Way Crossover with Improved Time Alignment and Gain Trim Functions

    New features in this Preview Release (compared to 2.3):
    * Revamped user interface
    * Firefly metering bar
    * Memory Play of iTunes Tracks
    * On-the-fly generation of animated vinyl '45' images for jukebox play
    Pure Vinyl v 2.3 20 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
    2.3 (Editor) :
    Feature Enhancements:
    - New (set as default) radial "scratch" spin mode with "inertia" rotation feature, keeps vinyl
    spinning after flick
    - Command key in radial mode disables graph for easier inertial style flick-spin
    - Space bar stops inertial rotation of vinyl
    - Keyboard arrow keys (without using modifier keys) now rotate vinyl by one revolution
    instead of one second. This is 1.8 seconds for 33 1/3 RPM, etc.
    - Vinyl now updates image rotation when using arrow keys
    - Vinyl image rotates to initial mark-in offset when audio file is opened or flipped

    Issues Cleared:
    - Corrected problem on Intel Macs that could cause freeze when rendering vinyl
    - Verifies that audio file has correct format extension before opening file, otherwise could
    cause quit in some circumstances

    2.3 (Recorder):
    Feature Enhancements:
    - Completely revised NetSend distributed audio for higher performance and easier setup
    - Revised user interface for Preferences; addition of Net tab
    - Corrected problem keeping audio input from starting on the very first launch
    - Improved behavior of Noise Gate Monitor mute features
    - Increased demo recording time before emitting tones to 15 minutes

    Issues Cleared:
    - Don't create Catalog File entry or Track List entry in user home directory to avoid
    unsynchronized catalog in editor
    - Eliminated problem creating Cut List in mini-editor for unknown files
    - Eliminated problem in mini-editor when IN mode was advanced to the beginning of the file
    Channel D Software
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