- (added)(all) chuck-
- (added)(all) hooks into VM stall detection
- (added)(Mac) device browser
- (added)(Mac) on-the-fly programming visualization
- (fixed)(Mac) smart indentation bugfixes/tweaks
- (added)(all) chuck-
- (added)(all) command line argument support
- (added)(Windows,Linux) graphical preferences interface
- (added)(Windows,Linux) wxWidgets 2.8 support
- (added)(Linux) ChucK/miniAudicle logo now associated
with application windows
- (added)(Mac) smart indentation (including enable/disable
Prefs option) (not so smart sometimes)
- (added)(Mac) buffer size Preferences option
- (added)(Mac) Text, Gauge UI elements
- (added)(Mac) enable/disable line numbers Preferences option
- (fixed)(Linux) crash closing document windows
- (fixed)(Mac) line numbers now scroll dynamically and
continue to bottom of document view
- (fixed)(Mac) VM and console monitors update when mouse is
held down
- (fixed)(Mac) improved console monitor performance
- (fixed)(Linux) massive stability improvements
- (fixed)(Mac) resolved spurious 'undefined type' errors when using MAUI
- (fixed)(Mac) Virtual Machine monitor CPU usage improvments
- (fixed)(Mac) console monitor speed/performance improvements
- (changed)(Linux,Windows) ChucK menu items now use same key bindings as miniAudicle OS X
- (added)(all) chuck- integrated
- (added)(Linux,Windows) ability to close and recall console monitor and virtual machine monitor
- (removed)(Linux,Windows) console monitor buffer limit ignored (too slow)
- (fixed)(all) fixed nasty bug where real-time audio would fail if more
than one audio device was specified as default and one or more of the
default devices had only input or only output channels
- (fixed)(Mac) fixed threading issue which caused MAUI LEDs to erratically
not light or unlight as directed
- (changed)(Win32,Linux) changed default font size for document window and
console monitor
- (changed)(Win32,Linux) disabled network OTF thread
- (changed)(Win32,Linux) changed syntax highlighting colors
- (added)(all) console monitor now has limited, user-adjustable scrollback
buffer size
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