- Mixing and Monitoring of External Instruments in VST Mixer
- Copy/Paste channel settings for multiple selected channels in one go
- New Panner Mode: Equal Power
- Panner Bypass Function
- New Key Command Set for Mixer functions
- Command Target filters for Mixer functions
- Inspector sub-section for MIDI Tracks routed to a VST Insert Plug-in
Files and Formats (Import and Export)
- Extended Search functions in Pool
- Exclude Media when exporting Tracks as Track Archive
- Select individual Tracks when importing a Track Archive
- Support for Steinberg Dolby Digital and DTS encoders
Recording and playback
- Smart controller reset after recording
- Recovery of audio recordings after system failure
- New pre-count options, sensitive to tempo and time signature changes
- Optional Sample-Rate Conversion when importing Tracks
- Freeze Function for External Instruments and FX
- Glue multiple parts with single mouse-click
- Glue all following parts on selected track
- New Crosshair-Cursor option
- Process Bars in Tempo Track
- Duplicate Track option
- Freeze MIDI Track Play Parameters
- Optimize Display when dissolving Parts
- Apply Legato to selected notes only
- Select equal Pitch > all Octaves/same Octave for all Positions
- Transpose for single or multiple Audio Events via Info Line
- New "External Instruments" options in VST Connections
- External Instruments added to VST Instrument Rack
- Associated External Instruments Track Inspector added to MIDI Track
- Associated Audio Track Inspector added to MIDI track inspector routed to
VST Insert Plug-in
- External FX/Instruments Favorites
- Advanced CPU-saving scrubbing mode
- New Appearance options: Brightness, Contrast and Saturation
- Sophisticated user-definable level meter coloring
- Automatic Track Coloring
- Incremental Auto-Save
- Track Folding: Toggle Selected Track
- Track Folding: Fold/Unfold Tracks
- Track Folding: Flip Fold States
- Resize Tracks without selecting
- OSX Performance Optimization: integrated support for MacOSX Quartz 2D
graphics system
- Additional Processor Optimization: support for DualCore and Multi-Processor
PC systems (systems with more than two processors)
- Safe Recovery of corrupt projects after system failure
MIDI & Music
- MIDI Output Delay Compensation for External Instruments
- Associate MIDI Device to External FX
- Associate MIDI Device to External Instruments
- Option to convert MIDI Controller Lane volume data to Track Automation
volume data
Studio Connections
- Studio Connections Audio Integration
- Access Mixer Device Panels (user Panels) from Hardware Remote
Controllers (for Houston, Mackie Control/HUI, Yamaha DM xxxx
series, 02r96/01v96, Radical SAC2K und CM Motormix)
- Preferences: Redesigned Appearance settings panel
- New preference: Use Up/Down Navigation Commands for selecting Tracks
- New Preference: Default Track Time Type (Audio and MIDI)
- New Preference: Auto Track Color Mode
- New Preference: Sync Project and Mixer Selection
- New Preference: Deep Track Folding
- New Preference: Enlarge Selected Track
- New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Solo
- New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Edit Setting
- New Preference: Maximum Backup Files
- New Preference: Insert Reset Events after Record
- New Preference: Chase Events – Chase not limited to Part Boundaries
- New Preference: Option to export warnings as text file
- New Preference: Warn on Processing Overloads
- New Preference: global Tail value for External Instruments and FX
- New Preference: Map Input Bus Metering to Audio Track (in Direct
- Single Key command to open and close Pool Window
- New Key Command to open Device for selected Track
- Appearance: User-definable intensity for active drum lane
- New Key Command to toggle status of "Select Channel/Track on Edit
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