Categorie Divers / Divers
Version 0.89
Format App
Compatibilité JackOSXMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
3.8 / 5 , 4 votes
Mis à jour le 19 déc. 2011
Téléchargements 8 767
Télécharg. Mac 8 767

Serveur audio

Jack (the Jack Audio Connection Kit) est un serveur audio à latence réduite, conçu à l'origine pour GNU/Linux et maintenant supporté par Mac OS X. Il permet de connecter différentes applications sur un seul matériel audio, et de connecter les applications entre elles afin qu'elles puissent envoyer et recevoir de l'audio de l'une vers l'autre.
Mac OS 10.5 - 10.7
JackOSX JackOSX v 0.89 19 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB
Fixes a problem with audio output from Flash-based movies, improves support for Avid/Digidesign soundcards and also adds support for ProTools 9.
Jack Tools JackOSX JackOSX v 0.87 22 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
Fixes a problem with saving studio setups within JackPilot.
Jack Tools JackOSX v 0.86 17 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.86, which addresses several issues in the CoreAudio driver, especially when used with Apogee cards. A new feature, Monitor Ports (input ports that loopback everything that is sent to the audio output and make it available as an input) has been added. The Jackdmp server has also been updated to the latest version.
audio JackOSX v 0.85 23 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
Addresses a problem with the Jack OS X plugins being closed after the main Jack server has been shut down. It also addresses a problem with some Digidesign cards, and updates the Jackdmp server to the latest version.
connecter JackOSX v 0.84 26 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
Released upated version 0.84, which removes requirement to use Aggregate Device on Intel Macs. Also adds new "hog" mode, and fixes some server-related bugs.
applications JackOSX v 0.83 13 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
Adds Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.x) support, and also now comes in two different packages, a legacy 32 bit version, and a "mixed" 64/32 bit version as well.
serveur JackOSX v 0.82 7 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
Addresses a "deadlock" issue that appeared on some machines. It also increases the maximum number of Jack ports to 1024 (from 512).
telecharger JackOSX v 0.81 10 févr. 2009 MacOS X UB
Fixes a "deadlock" issue in the Jackdmp server that could cause audio applications to hang. It also fixes a bug in JackRouter that was causing "dirty buffers" to continue playing when audio was stopped in Max/MSP.
mac JackOSX v 0.80 20 janv. 2009 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.80, which updates JackRouter to allow it to be selected as the default system audio device again, addressing an issue introduced by OS X 10.5.6. It also updates JackPilot to ensure that available sample rates for each device are now retrieved more reliably. Finally, it updates the Jackdmp server to the latest SVN version (1.91).
windows JackOSX v 0.79 6 nov. 2008 MacOS X UB
Updates the Jackdmp server to the latest SVN version (1.90) to address a compatibility problem with Rogue Amoeba's Audio Hijack application, and with input-only CoreAudio devices. It also includes a fix to allow iTunes to work with Jack OS X when Jack is set up with more than 2 virtual channels.
macintosh JackOSX v 0.78 5 août 2008 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.78, which updates Jackdmp server to address an issue causing the Ardour application to hang when quiting (in the case where Ardour started the Jack server itself).
pc JackOSX v 0.75 25 janv. 2008 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.75 to support OS X 10.5.X (Leopard). Also first release including new Jackdmp server infrastructure.
JackOSX v 0.74 4 mai 2006 MacOS X UB
Mise à jour du plugin AU pour passer l'AU validation
JackOSX v 0.73 13 avril 2006 MacOS X UB
  • Universal Binary

  • suppression du composant NetJack jusqu'à correction des bugs

  • suppression du driver Port Audio
  • JackOSX v 0.72 28 janv. 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Correction de bugs
    JackOSX v 0.71 13 juil. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Correction de problèmes avec Rax et Plogue Bidule
    JackOSX v 0.7 24 juin 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • compatible Tiger

  • utilise la dernière version du serveur Jack, 0.100.1

  • correction de bugs

  • et toujours gratuit et en open source
  • JackOSX v 0.61 2 mars 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Correction de bug
    JackOSX v 0.6 22 févr. 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • mise à jour du serveur Jack en 0.99.49

  • correction de problèmes avec les applications Native Instruments

  • correction de problèmes avec Final Cut Pro

  • correction de problèmes lors de l'utilisation simultanée de plug-ins Jack AU et VST

  • fonction "blacklist" interdisant l'ajout de certains clients. Pour l'instant, XQuartz (ouvert par X11) est le seul client de la liste.

  • nouvelle gestion des buffers audio des plug-ins Jack
  • JackOSX v 0.51 9 oct. 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Correction de bugs
    JackOSX v 0.5 22 janv. 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Nouveau driver CoreAudio plus performant

  • Nouveau module NetJack UDP permettant des connexions audio en réseau (incluant Ethernet, Airport, IP over Firewire)

  • correction de problèmes divers

  • nouveau design des plugins Jack VST et AU

  • ajout d'outils développeur, permettant de développer des applications natives Jack sur Mac OS X

  • ajouts d'exemples pas à pas dans la documentation

  • Localisations italienne et française de JackPilot
  • moins...
    Jack Tools

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    version 0.4, MacOS X PPC
    Il s'agit bien de rerouter virtuellement n'importe quel output stéréo d'application sonore de type "standalone" (Exemple: Max/MSP, Peak, Spark, iTunes, RealPlayer, Quicktime etc...) vers l'entrée de votre logiciel de composition préféré (Cubase SX, Logic, Digital Performer, Reason, Live...). Il y a même des plug-ins "aspirateur" (VST et AU) pour "capter" le son et le mixer via une piste VSTi.
    Fini les galères de rewire, plus besoin d'attendre les versions des plug-ins compatibles avec votre environnement. Le core audio d'OS X dans toute sa splendeur, exploité avec brio.
    Dowser 101
    version 0.5, MacOS X PPC
    Sorry, but that connections manager interface just dosn't do it for me. why can't they just make a good gui? ...
    i find soundflower even if limited in patching possibilities much more clean and stable - personally.
    Lou Kash
    version 0.4, MacOS X PPC
    Jack Tools offer fantastic possibilities for connecting apps or work around I/O limitations of various apps with multichannel hardware. While there are still bugs making it sometimes necessary to relaunch the server and the connected apps a couple of times, once the apps are connected basically it works as expected. Obviously this is beta software, so it will surely improve over time.
    version 0.4, MacOS X PPC
    Great stuff!
    Bienvenue visiteur: