MIDI Control Center
    Converts the input of various devices to MIDI-events. MIDI Control Center (MCC) is a useful standalone application that converts the input of various devices (keyboard, mouse, joystick and programmable oscillators)...
    MIDI File Mapper
    Midi files converter. MIDI File Mapper is a utility that allows you to remap the notes in MIDI files. This is particularly useful when converting GM drum patterns for a specific drum...
    MIDI File Splitter
    Midi utility. MIDI File Splitter is a simple utility designed to split up MIDI files into smaller MIDI files at each marker. Useful for SONAR owners who want to break the...
    Midi Guitar
    Guitar audio to MIDI converter. MIDI Guitar for Windows and Mac OS X is a software solution to converting your guitars audio output into MIDI. This is achieved by connecting your guitar to your...
    Midi Madness
    Algorithmic melody generator. Midi Madness is an algorithmic melody generator, in AU/VST format for Mac OSX and Windows. Simply choose your settings and let Midi Madness create...
    MIDI Polysher
    MIDI splitter. MIDI Polysher is a free VST plugin primarly designed for eaReckon BloXpander users (but it works with other compatible VST host software). BloXpander is now...
    Midi Quest
    Universal Editor/Librarian. Midi Quest 9.1 and Midi Quest XL for Macintosh both include support for over 600 instruments from more than 60 different manufacturers and feature an...
    MIDI real-time Harmonizer
    Harmonizer. The  MIDI  real­time  Harmonizer  is  a  great  tool  for  keyboard  players  or  guitar  synthesizer  players  to  enhance  their  solo  lines,  for  EWI...
    MIDI to WAV Maker
    Converting MIDI to WAV file.. MIDI to WAV Maker is an easy-to-use tool for converting MIDI files to WAV format with CD quality. Normally MIDI files are not processed directly by other...
    MIDI To WMA Converter
    Convert MIDI/MID/RMI file to WMA format.. MIDI To WMA Converter can convert MIDI/MID/RMI file to WMA format. Then you can use the wma file on widely platform or portable device or phone.
    Midi translator
    MIDI mapping tool. Bome's Midi Translator Pro is a popular MIDI and keystroke mapping tool: use it for controlling arbitrary software by way of MIDI and keystrokes. Its rich...
    MIDI Utility Pack
    Six MIDI utilities. The MIDI Utility Pack contains six programs invaluable to anyone who creates or uses MIDI files. - MIDI Microscope An essential utility for music students and...
    MIDI-Controlled ADSR
    ADSR envelope triggered with MIDI notes.. A simple ADSR envelope plugin, triggered with MIDI notes.
    13 VST MIDI plugins. MidiBag consists of many useful plugins for hosts that can use VST MIDI plugins or can at least send MIDI events to effect plugins and receive and route VST...
    Midi/Wave converter. Midimeow is an easy-to-use tool to converts on the fly: Midi to Mp3 at 128 Kbps and 196 Kbps Midi to Wav Midi to Ogg vorbis
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