AAX and RTAS formats for OSX
fixed problems with all controls not being initialized properly when loading some saved settings
improved HQ oversampling
update for compatibility with Pro Tools 11.2 (AAX)
text entry fix for controls with negative-only values (e.g., typing “5” will automatically be recognized as -5)
improve meter reset when clicking on the VU Text readout
standardized meter ballistics across all plugins
signed OSX installers
revised preset loading and saving function to “future-proof” loading older presets in new version of plugin
Fixed preset loading to ensure that controls were initialized to correct values
improved registration process (registration files saved in common location)
improved waveform display, and correctly enabling/disabling input, output, and transient signals
improved oversampling high-frequency response (i.e., about 18kHz)
general enhancements to improve plugin efficiency
New Saturation control added to Attack
New Clip Level control added to Attack
Revised transient detection process
Added Width and Balance controls
Knob controls revised to include A->B comparison feature, and fine scrolling/dragging by using the Control, Shift, or Alt keys
Changed VU meters and waverform display to a logarithmic scale and revised zoom control
Changed oversampling to include linear phase filtering with steeper roll-off
Change meter ballistics on VU meters, and updated loudness meter
Revised presets
Fixed latency issues when using plugin bypass button
Fixed controls not being recalled correctly when using the clipboard import feature
General processing and graphical improvements
Fixed plugin initialization issues when using VST3 format
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