Audio Companion

Category Audio Production / Audio Editors & Recorder
Version 1.4.2
Format App
Compatibility Audio CompanionMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $25  /  24€
Updated On Sep 3, 2012
Total Downloads 6,625
Mac Downloads 5,993
Category Audio Production / Audio Editors & Recorder
Version 1.5.7
Format App
Compatibility Audio CompanionWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $25  /  24€
Updated On Feb 20, 2011
Total Downloads 6,625
PC Downloads 632

Sound recorder

Audio Companion is a sound recorder allowing you to record music via the built in sound input or any sound input device connected to your computer (USB devices such as Griffin iMic).

It will either act as a normal audio recorder or as a recorder that automatically split each song into separate files.

The files may be saved as ordinary AIFF files (ready for burning an Audio CD) or saved as MP3 files or any file format that QuickTime can create.
Mac OS X 10.2 or higher
Audio Companion Audio Companion v 1.4.2 Sep 3, 2012 MacOS X UB
1. New - History text displayed as a sheet
2. Change - Made the "Autosplit" box a little bigger
3. New - Better looking application icon
Roni music Audio Companion Audio Companion v 1.3.9 Feb 20, 2011 MacOS X UB
1. Bug fix - Fixed a crash that could occur when removing or adding a new USB audio device
Roni music Audio Companion v 1.3.7 Oct 26, 2009 MacOS X UB
1. New - Support for libmp3lame.dylib provided it's placed in the Library/Application Support folder
2. Change - The volume slider is now disabled if the selected input device doesn't have any volume control
files Audio Companion v 1.3.6 Mar 27, 2009 MacOS X UB
Changes for Audio Companion version 1.3.6 (2008-11-28)
1. New - Added a "Help" button in the Preferences pane
2. Change - Preferences pane is now a sheet instead of an ordinary dialog
3. Bugfx - Selecting the directory chooser doesn't anylonger close the Preferences pane
4. Change - Minor cosmetic changes
5. Change - Now requires OS X 10.4.0 or higher

Changes for Audio Companion version 1.3.5 (2007-11-29)
1. Bugfix - Minor changes for OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
2. Change - Now requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher
sound Audio Companion v 1.3.4 Jul 15, 2007 MacOS X UB
1. Bug fix - Saving as uncompressed QuickTime movie didn't work OK on Intel Mac's
recorder Audio Companion v 1.2.4 Dec 5, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. Bug fix - Saving as uncompressed QuickTime movie didn't work OK on Intel Mac's
audio Audio Companion v 1.2.3 Oct 3, 2006 MacOS X UB
Turntable speed correction
input Audio Companion v 1.2.2 Sep 18, 2006 MacOS X UB
Added VBR (Variable Bit Rate) settings when saving mp3 files
download Audio Companion v 1.2.1 Aug 13, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. New - may now rename the recorded files from within Audio Companion
2. Bugfix - didn't flush out the last samples when encoding to mp3
mac Audio Companion v 1.2.0 Jun 19, 2006 MacOS X UB
Support for LAME MP3 framework
windows Audio Companion v 1.1.7 Mar 30, 2006 MacOS X UB
Bugfix - LAME MP3 framework wouldn't load OK on OS X 10.2 and 10.3
macintosh Audio Companion v 1.1.6 Mar 25, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. RIAA correction - use when a turntable is directly connected to your computer audio input
2. Support for LAME MP3 framework
3. Changes in the Preferences pane takes effect at once
4. Some minor bug fixes
pc Audio Companion v 1.1.5 Mar 6, 2006 MacOS X UB
Universal Binary (runs as native on Intel Mac's) + Full Unicode support for file names
Audio Companion v 1.1.4 Dec 22, 2005 MacOS X PPC
More accurate split points
Audio Companion Audio Companion v 1.5.7 Feb 20, 2011 Windows
1. Minor changes for Windows 7 and Vista
Roni music Audio Companion Audio Companion v 1.5.6 Aug 17, 2009 Windows
1. Fixed a bug that produced silence only in the last CD track being ripped
Roni music Audio Companion v 1.5.5 Mar 27, 2009 Windows
1. Change - Better error handling for non-PCM files
2. Bugfix - Fixed memory leak in Batch listview
3. Bugfix - Accesing the Windows Mixer Volume control from the Options menu now works on Vista
4. Note - CD Playback currently doesn't work on Windows Vista
files Audio Companion v 1.5.4 Jul 15, 2007 Windows
1. New - All preferences files are now stored in the "C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Roni Music\Audio Companion"
folder which means you can now run ASD whithout administrator rights

2. New - Completly rewritten help file
3. Now fully compatible with Windows Vista
sound Audio Companion v 1.5.1 Dec 5, 2006 Windows
1. New - All preferences files are now stored in the "C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Roni Music\Audio Companion"
folder which means you can now run ASD whithout administrator rights

2. New - Completly rewritten help file
3. Now fully compatible with Windows Vista
Roni music
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