Jk plugs

Editor of several utilities and RTAS plug ins, FilePlaya, Loopitch and Click

Software by Jk plugs

JK Analizator
Frequency display. Analizator is a real time 50 band frequency display
JK Autofreq
Auto filter. AutoFreq is a kind of auto filter. Its cutoff frequency depends on spectral contents of incoming sound. Looks similar to jk-autowash, behaves (sounds) quite...
JK Autowash
Auto-wah circuit. Autowash is a clasic auto wah-wah. Tries to sweep resonant filter over given frequency range. Speed and amount of sweep depends on amplitude envelope of incoming...
JK Peakme
Peak meter. Peak meter with phase probe and scope
JK Piczer
Pitch change - distortion. Piczer is a crazy pitch change- distortion plugin. This is a semi-realtime grain player. Cuts incoming audio into small pieces (grains) and plays it back at...
JK Skyes
Spectral filter. Free spectral filter made with Max/MSP
Audio system input in Pro Tools. Captures default Mac audio input set in System Preferences. Also any Mac system out can be routed to Pro Tools using Soundflower driver.
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