Molecular Bytes

MolecularBytes GbR. currently consists of the brothers André Hugenroth and Frank Hugenroth dealing since the early 90s with the development of music- and audio-software and -methods. Under the name MolecularBytes, at the end of 2005 a preview version of the elastic audio software "Membrane" was published. First as a project aside, then further developed to market quality, AtomicReverb now became the first product available. Other products in the audio-software industry will follow - in addition to effects plug-ins the focus is the completion of the editing software "Membrane".

Software by Molecular Bytes

Algorithmic room and reverb effects processor. MolecularBytes AtomicReverb is an algorithmic room and reverb effects processor as a VST plug-in. With its unique combination of algorithms, it is possible to...
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