
Music, recording studio and free VST instruments for Windows

Software by Ugo

Hybrid synth. This synth offers a wide variety of ways to create automated motion of the synth's sound. This is achieved by the use of 4 envelopes, 8 LFOs, three 16 step CV...
Substractive synth. Rez is a seemingly basic synth, but it's capable of a very wide range of sounds. While Rez has a bunch of cool features, the beating heart of Rez is its filter....
String Theory
String synth. String Theory is a flexible, delay based, physical modeling synth which is capable of a very wide range of plucked strings, atmospheric pads and ambiences, and...
Substractive synth. Texture offers an amazingly wide range of...well...textures. Smooth, odd digital ambiences, metallic rings, synthetic percussion, brutally distorted sounds,...
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